“Take it and don’t look back”, I finally listened, and I am forever grateful.” Our Parents Have their Say The
“I would not add or take away anything from this experience.” Our Parents Have their Say What was the
“They are realists to the max, in the best sense of the word.” Our Parents Have their Say What was
PARENTS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM: PARENTS ARE THE ANSWER When we human beings get a myth firmly planted in our
“The best thing was knowing that as a parent of a child with a brain injury, we are not alone.”
The Pathway to Excellence SOCIAL GROWTH What You Need To Know Part One Civilized behavior is learned at home from
104 years ago this week the Founder of The Institutes was born. It was a good day for planet Earth
What You Need To Know It will come as no surprise that we are very careful about everything we
Father and son make a great team One of the good things about Fathers is that they are not Mothers.
“My child is not the label he was given. He is brain-injured, and he can get well.” Our Parents Have