What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child: August 2024
“They are realists to the max, in the best sense of the word.”
Our Parents Have their Say
What was the best thing about the course?
“Professionalism in all areas of the course. Very good structure of the course.”
Father, Slovenia
“How painfully honest everyone is. They are realists to the max, in the best sense of the word. What you input (sensory) supports output (motor). What you input (nutrition) either supports or harms output. What you put into your body is either slowly killing you or slowly healing you.”
Mother, Arizona
“Completing the neurological profile with the Staff for my daughter.”
Mother, Puerto Rico
“As someone who understands how learning works, I love how it’s designed – with lots of repetition, the extensive focus on the why, the emotional touch to make it compelling, the power of stories that will stick in our minds forever, and finally, the actionable insights for us to act on with all the dedication.”
Mother, Dubai
“I found hope that my child could stop taking medication and develop like other kids his age.”
Mother, Mexico
“Finally discovered what is going on in our child’s brain, and how hurt it is. The best thing this course taught us – how to program the brain towards wellness and the lecture notes are shared for future reference. I have the information to start the home program now.”
Mother, Texas
“All of the time spent in understanding the why to do things! ALL OF THE INFORMATION! Walking away hopeful with a more meaningful functional neurological diagnosis.”
Mother, New York
“Learning to use The Institutes Developmental Profile tool with the Staff allowed me to have a clear starting point and set achievable goals.”
Mother, Colombia
“Learning from experienced professionals”
Father, Arizona
“It can change the way you and your family live. Hurt and well children can benefit from the course.”
Mother, California
“Doing this course has given me a lot of hope.
I feel refreshed and ready to turn over a new page with the support of the Staff.
The course material is a lot to guide you through the course which is great.”
Mother, United Kingdom
“Learning how to build the program for our child.”
Father, Minnesota
“The support from the Staff.”
Father, Colombia
What is the most important
thing you have learned from this course?
“Many things, but mainly that what happened to my child has a solution. It all comes down to brain injury, and my child can develop if we work together to achieve it.”
Mother, Mexico
“My daughter has far more potential than I had imagined before taking this course. I know her brain will grow as we provide more stimulation and opportunity, and that is precisely what we will provide from now on.”
Mother , Colombia
“I don’t even know where to begin. I don’t think there is a “most important” thing. What comes to mind right now is sensory pathways are incoming and motor pathways are outgoing and that it is all connected. That development in one area begets development in another. Also, that the “disorganized” brain can become organized. And that “need creates facility.”
Mother, Arizona
“That things can change, even for those kids who have the most profound brain injuries. This program takes commitment but it’s totally worth giving it our best.”
Mother, Dubai
“Much deeper understanding of why we do something.”
Father, Slovenia
“That helping brain injured children is possible.”
Father, Minnesota
“Brain grows by use. And I learned how to program the brain towards wellness.”
Mother, Texas
“I can help my child at home now that I understand her potential.”
Mother, New York
“That my daughter has great potential and that through dedicated work, we can help improve her condition and elevate her potential.”
Father, Colombia
“Have the other children to help me in the battle. They will help me pull their sister out together.”
Mother, California
How will this change what you do for your child in the future?
“It changes everything.”
Father, Arizona
“I will provide the best environment possible and provide unconditional support to ensure my daughter’s process is successful.”
Mother, Colombia
“I now have the right tools to begin implementing the program.”
Father, Colombia
“Creating an environment in our home to help my daughter achieve her potential.”
Mother, New York
“Our family will be closer and stronger for battling together”
Mother, California
“We are now looking at homeschooling, when the time comes, although it is my estimate that my daughter will be at or above her peers by the time, she gets to Kindergarten… we are clearing out and re-doing and I’ve sent the instructions on making materials to my handy mother-in-law, and other instructions to my husband’s handy best friend.”
Mother, Arizona
“We will absolutely focus on completing this program!”
Mother, Puerto Rico
“We will dedicate ourselves to our son’s program.”
Father, Minnesota
“I have a program now and will follow it religiously for the betterment of my child.”
Mother, Texas
“I can be more organized and structured now to help my son.”
Mother, Mexico
“Many things, with the start of the new intense program soon, and all the changes to my son’s Nutrition.”
Mother, Dubai
What is your advice for a parent considering taking the course?
“Take it. Consider how much is going on around you in the world today from a health and nutrition standpoint that doesn’t make any sense. This program is based on logic.
Invest fully. Do not multi-task; you may miss a nugget of brilliance that resonates most with you.”
Father, Minnesota
“It is intense but gives hope when traditional medicine is not able to help. All the doctors do is place labels on our kids and say that it’s a lifelong condition with no cure. This program does everything as naturally as it can get. We don’t believe in medications and it’s a great blessing that The Institutes doesn’t as well.”
Mother, Dubai
“If you’ve always been searching for ways to understand what’s happening and how to help your child, this course will not only resolve that but also help you create an initial plan to take action on improving your child’s condition.”
Mother, Colombia
“Just do it. This course, and the outcome I expect to obtain, has provided me with a hope I haven’t had since my daughter’s diagnosis at birth.”
Mother, Arizona
“For me, there was a possibility of following a traditional treatment, but after comparing the content of the book What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child with experiences in traditional treatment, I decided to enroll in this course. Research the alternatives, and above all, read How Smart is Your Baby?”
Father, Colombia
“Take the time to take this course! It will change the perspective of your child’s life in a hopeful way.
Be willing to think beyond concepts you may have been told by doctors to understanding concepts your heart has always hoped for your child.”
Mother, New York
“Take it seriously”
Father, Arizona
“That they should not think and attend it immediately. And just listen carefully.”
Father, Slovenia
“Take it the sooner the better.”
Mother, California
“Please take this course ASAP to better understand brain injured kids. Take the course to help your brain injured kid.”
Mother, Texas
“Take it, without a doubt.”
Mother, Mexico
Was the course what you expected?
“Yes, but much better. I would like to thank you for a very good course. I’ve never been on a course even close to this.”
Father, Slovenia
“More than what I was expecting”
Mother, United Kingdom
“Yes. I enjoyed making the new plans for my son.”
Mother, Dubai
“More than I expected”
Mother, New York
Was it worth the time, effort, and money it cost?
“Absolutely! I am both baffled and disappointed with the medical community. With all of The Institutes work and results how this is not more widely accepted and practiced. Thank you for not giving up and trusting parents to know their children. Your Institute has been an incredible source of hope and healing! God bless you!”
Mother, New York
Mother, Arizona
“It is because the course material tells it all. The Institute knows what they are doing, and I am particularly impressed with their knowledge of child development and more. I have done the course and I am very grateful for all your hard work and support for all the parents.
I will advocate daily for parents of hurt kids not to give up on their children here in the UK but rather consider doing the course and THANK ME TOMORROW.”
Mother, United Kingdom
Absolutely. The course is fantastic… I want to reiterate my feeling on what beautiful work Dr. Doman, his mentors, and all of you currently at The Institutes are doing on behalf of brain injured children and their often hopeless parents. Truly amazing. Keep up the great work. Thank you all very much.”
Father, Minnesota
“Yes, worth the time, effort and money. I wish I knew about this course earlier in 2011 when we started with anti-convulsant medicine. We extend our sincere gratitude for the research, work, and dedication of all the Staff of The Institutes.”
Mother, Texas
“Yes, absolutely!”
Mother, Dubai
Yes. Hope the Institute can grow and change the medical field. Thank you for everything and the hope you planted.”
Mother, Nurse, California