We believe parents who have been instructed in early child development are the very best teachers for their own children.
All children love to learn. They can learn absolutely anything that can be taught in an honest and factual way when they are taught in a joyous manner. The younger a child is, the easier it is for the child to learn.
The parent and child together are the most dynamic teaching and learning team. The family is the cradle for intellectual, physical, and social excellence in the child.
The objective of The Institutes is to make children intellectually, physically, and socially excellent.
Most parents do not realize what their young children are capable of. Too often, parents are unaware of the power of stimulation to grow the brain, and to give their children an advantage that lasts a lifetime.
At The Institutes, we believe in the potential of the human mind. The thousands of children we have worked with in the past decades (who have often gone on to incredible things) are proof that children who are taught properly can achieve anything.
For too long brain growth was thought to be a static and irrevocable fact. Instead, brain growth and development are a dynamic and ever-changing process.
The process of brain growth can be stopped, as it is in profound brain injury. The process can be slowed, as it is in moderate brain injury. Most significantly, though, this is a process that can be speeded up.
All that we do to speed the process is to provide visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation with increased frequency, intensity, and duration in recognition of the orderly way in which the human brain grows. We then arrange for the child to have the maximum opportunity in an ideal environment to use and develop the motor pathways.
For more than a half-century, the heart of The Institutes program has been based upon the fact that the brain grows by use. Scientists now recognize the plasticity of the human brain and new research in neuroplasticity confirms that the brain is incredibly capable of recovery and rehabilitation. The old notion that once the brain is injured there is no means of recovery has been discarded.
Heredity and environment are springboards, not prison cells. It is the environment of poverty, not the genetics of poverty, which begets poverty.
There is no genetics of poverty or knowledge. It is the environment of knowledge which begets knowledge. Babies would much rather learn than play. Education begins at six, learning begins at birth or earlier.
All we do to speed the process of brain growth and development is to give kids visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation, and ample opportunity, with increased frequency, intensity, and duration, in recognition of the orderly way in which the human brain grows.
Our individual genetic potential is that of the human race. Our individual genetic potential is that of Leonardo da Vinci, Shakespeare, Mozart, Michelangelo, Edison, and Einstein. High intelligence is a product of the environment, low intelligence is a product of the environment. All intelligence is a product of the environment and our human potential.
While formal education often begins at six, learning begins at birth or earlier. The first six years of a child’s life are the genesis of genius. Tiny kids learn more fact for fact prior to three years of age than they learn for the rest of their lives.
Thousands of parents have attended our courses, millions have read our books. Meet some of our kids.
My daughter, Hannah, became a Student Fulbright Scholar this week. I have fond memories of her crawling track, Bit cards, homemade books, my own school in our home, the two courses I took at The Institutes to be designated a Professional Mother, and so many other wonderful ideas.
“I am forever grateful to the most amazing and impactful education experience of my life.”
“Thanks to the Better Baby program and my wonderful mother, it was much easier for me to change careers at a late age. For that I am very grateful.”
“Recognizing parents as the best teachers a child can have, while also recognizing baby as an intellectual sponge, ready to learn from day one, is really what the program was all about for me.”
I am forever grateful to the most amazing and impactful education experience of my life. The completion of the How To Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence Course is absolutely more meaningful and useful to me than completing my BA and MBA.
“My daughter credits her ability to excel, and the ease with which she learns, completely to The Institutes and the wonderful gift Glenn Doman enabled me to give her.”