No Child is Hopeless

Our goal is for every hurt child to have a fighting chance to be well.

Since 1955, we’ve been pioneering better ways to grow the brain to use the vast capacity that is presently unused.

We Treat the Problem

Treating the symptoms of injury to the brain without addressing the brain itself will fail. Surgery and medication are often used to try to eliminate a distressing symptom. Medical treatment of the brain-injured child must be aimed at brain maturation, in order to be safe and effective. The answer is not to be found in the medicine cabinet—but in stimulation and opportunity. This is a more conservative treatment, a safer treatment, a cost-effective treatment, and most important of all a treatment that works.

In-Depth Teaching

We teach our parents about brain growth and development so they can do a program at home to help their child get better.

Janet Doman

Appointments & Support

After attending our live course, parents are ready to receive support, starting with an initial appointment.


Digital Resources

Through our online course, books and materials parents can start immediately to put their child on a pathway to wellness

"We don’t agree with everyone about brain-injured children. Our disagreement begins with diagnosis, extends to classification, identification, treatment, technique, methods, philosophy, and ends up with objective. We are positive the goal should be to make brain-injured children well, and we sometimes do. The world believes that to be impossible and therefore never does."

The Institutes is a nonprofit organization.

We have survived because we have a program that really works, we work very hard, and because people of good will around the world have contributed to our work.

We could not exist without this help. If you want to help give hurt children a fighting chance to be well, and well kids the chance to be highly capable and confident, then join our gentle revolution and contribute.

When A Good Brain Gets Hurt

There are probably 100 ways for a good brain to get hurt and, by now, we have probably seen all those ways. It does not matter whether that path began shortly after conception, six months before delivery or after birth, in the end, the child is left with the injury and its consequences.

The good news is that the brain has tremendous plasticity. It can recover, it can get better – it is only hurt. Brain-injured children are hurt: not damaged, not diseased, they are hurt. That is why we often used the term “hurt kids”. It is a softer, more accurate and, we hope, more civilized way to introduce the brain-injured child who has been tragically called by so many names that are libels more than labels.

Man and boy wearing orange shirt
Smiling girl

Is Your Child Brain-Injured?

There are more than 300 symptomatic labels used to describe children who have problems in the central nervous system. These labels rarely include the brain. This is tragic for parents who waste precious time treating the symptoms and limited resources chasing after a proper diagnosis. 

The children with these frightening labels are brain-injured children. Their problems originate in the brain, not the periphery. All treatment to be effective must begin with a real diagnosis. If your child has one of these symptomatic labels your child is brain-injured.

Our Treatment Programs

All of the treatment of our children is done at home with mother and father. The program covers all aspects of the child’s physical, physiological and intellectual development. Parents are taught how the brain develops and how injury to the brain disrupts that development.

Parents attend our courses, read our books and bring their children to The Institutes for evaluation and a program. Between visits parents have the support of the staff when they have a question or a problem.

On Campus and Online

What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child

After taking this world-renowned course, you’ll understand your hurt child like never before, and leave with a real plan for the future.

What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child?

Upcoming Courses

For Parents of Hurt Children

Get to Know Our Kids

Our parents have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that hurt children have tremendous potential. Meet the brain-injured kids getting better every day:

Blanca – Age 6

Blanca – Age 6

Cerebral Palsy
Blanca – Age 6
Cerebral Palsy

An MRI done on Blanca’s first day of life showed a massive brain edema. She was kept in the hospital for 12 days. Blanca returned home but had no significant development.
The “What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child” course put her on the track to wellness.

Adele & Leah

Adele & Leah

Cerebral Palsy
Adele & Leah
Cerebral Palsy

One little girl proves that brothers and sisters are a powerful force to help save the lives of brain-injured children and help with cerebral palsy treatment.

George – Age 3

George – Age 3

Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay
George – Age 3
Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay

“It is incredibly difficult when your child’s eyes don’t work, when he can’t look at you...These things DO NOT improve when you wait and see. They do not improve when you don’t work at it every single day. Your child has only you, you must step up and do everything possible”

Henry – Age 11

Henry – Age 11

Deafness, Developmental Delay
Henry – Age 11
Deafness, Developmental Delay

Henry was born deaf, with a serious developmental delay. In response, Henry and his parents fought for an ordinary life... and got an extraordinary one.

Nihad – Age 20

Nihad – Age 20

Hemiplegia, Immobility
Nihad – Age 20
Hemiplegia, Immobility

Nihad had hemiplegia and learning problems from a surgery. His parents worried for his future. Today, he runs marathons for charity, and is proof that anything is possible.

Maria & Anna

Maria & Anna – Age 4

Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21
Maria & Anna – Age 4
Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21

At two years of age, Mother began teaching Maria and Anna to read. Today, at four years of age, the twins love to read, and they read every day. They both walk and run two hours daily.

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Help us give hurt children a fighting chance to be well. Join us and contribute to support the work of The Institutes.
