Down Syndrome Success Story: Daichi gets off to an Amazing Start
Down Syndrome Success Story
Daichi gets off to an amazing start even though he has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
While the pregnancy was uneventful, one day prior to Daichi’s due date, doctors found that the fetal heart rate had dropped. They immediately called for an emergency C-section to be performed. The baby was jaundiced and his oxygen level was low, so he was transferred to the NICU where he remained for 3 weeks. He was given oxygen, incubated, monitored, and tube fed. Parents found that Daichi had very poor muscle tone and was quiet. He barely cried at all. A chromosomal test confirmed that Daichi had Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome as it is commonly known.
Baby Daichi
Daichi was struggling – no speech, little understanding, no crawling, and no response to pain.
The first year of Daichi’s life was difficult. He was weak and could not move well. He did not make many sounds. Parents knew that something had to be done. They learned of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential and their work with brain-injured children. Mother immediately made plans to travel to attend the “What To Do About Your Brain Injured Child” Course, which she attended when Daichi was 15 months old. He was struggling – he had no speech, he could only understand 2 words of speech, he could not crawl on the floor, and he did not respond to pain at all.
When mother returned home, she wasted no time – she knew with Down Syndrome he would have many challenges. The family created a crawling track for baby Daichi and all day long they provided opportunity for him to move on the floor. He started to crawl for his needs – here you can see Daichi crawling across the track for something he wants.
Soon, he was crawling all around the house for all of his needs.
He was now able to move, and he quickly became stronger and stronger. Soon, he was crawling all around the house for all of his needs.
And he’s off!
Down Syndrome Child Learns Math & Reading
As a baby, little Daichi loved reading and math.
Parents also got started immediately with programs to speed his intellectual growth – very important for children with Down Syndrome. Although he was only a year old, parents knew that there was no time to waste. Using the recommendations from Glenn Doman in the books “How To Teach Your Baby To Read” and “How To Teach Your Baby Math,” they began to teach little Daichi how to read and do math. He ate it all up!
With Daichi’s unlimited opportunity to move on the floor and his rapidly improving mobility, he began to stand up, which led to him taking his very first steps. He loved this newfound freedom!
Parents gave Daichi proper tactile stimulation as they had learned in the course, which was very important for improving his ability to feel. Being able to feel his body better made it easier for him to move his body. Better tactility led to better mobility.
Daichi’s mobility developed rapidly – he can now run up to 300 meters nonstop.
When Daichi was 2 years old, parents traveled to The Institutes for an appointment. This was important because he had progressed so much and completely changed, so he needed an updated and revised program to maintain his progress. He was given a program of daily walking to improve this ability, as well as a specialized nutritional program, a more advanced reading program, and a balance development program.
Daichi’s mobility developed rapidly – he walked faster and faster, until he actually started running. He can now run up to 300 meters nonstop, a distance far better than his well 3-year-old peers.
Now Daichi has over 60 words of speech that he uses to communicate with his parents.
Daichi just returned to The Institutes for his second evaluation and appointment. He had completely changed – with his running and improved respiration, he had started to speak. He now has over 60 words of speech that he uses to communicate his needs with his parents. He loves reading and math, and will find any excuse to pick up a book. He even enjoys reading on his own now!
“We did not have to cry or be depressed about Daichi – we had things that we could do.”
Looking back on their experience on the program so far and toward their little son’s future, Daichi’s parents remark, “Now we can say that we were right to have decided that we would have our own happiness. Although there still are many more things to do for him, we feel that we are very happy to have hope and things that we can do for our child. We did not have to cry or be depressed about Daichi because we had things that we could do in front of us. We just appreciate that we found The Institutes. We will continue doing whatever we can do so that our son Daichi will be an independent person who can help society.”
Daichi is off to a wonderful start – he went from not moving, understanding poorly, and being unable to speak to running, understanding, reading, doing math, and speaking! His parents continue to work day in and day out toward the ultimate goal of wellness. Daichi continues to progress. Another wonderful success story about a child labeled with Down Syndrome. Stayed tuned to our newsletter – we predict there will be a lot more to come about Daichi in the future.