Better Babies Return To Become Better Parents

Better Babies Return

Since the very first presentation of the “How To Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence” course in 1978, we have been hearing from our parents about their children. Now many of those better babies are all grown up and having their own better babies. Many of our kids who are now adults remember very well the fun they had learning at home with their mothers and fathers using Bits of Intelligence, reading and dot cards. Now they are accomplished in their own careers and they naturally want to instill that same love of learning in their own children.

Learn How You Can Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence too.

One such student is Tanya. She began on her program with her Mother and Father as a baby. Later she and her little brother became students in The International School.

Better Babies Return

Tanya arrived full of enthusiasm to attend the very course her Mother had attended decades before that had changed her life and the life of her two children.

Better Babies Return

Better Babies Return


On Monday, which is the day that reading is taught, Tanya felt that the most important things she learned were that “a very young child does not have to be able to talk in order to learn to read and asking a child to read aloud is a form of testing the child which often he does not like.”

Better Babies Return


Since Tuesday is all about enriching the environment of the tiny child with beautiful “Bits of Intelligence” cards, Tanya found herself “very motivated to go through my mother’s bits and start looking for bit-making materials and begin making reading labels for the house” in preparation for the day when her own children arrive.

Better Babies Return


Mathematics is the centerpiece on Wednesday. Tanya comments that “The most important thing I learned was that if you teach a child the facts the child will intuit the laws that govern those facts. Math is especially fun for children because unlike English it follows its own rules.”

Better Babies Return


On the fourth day of the course the staff of The Institutes for Physical Excellence take over. It is a very different day for parents who may have enrolled to learn about intellectual growth, and they go home with an appreciation of just how important all things physical are for the development of the child. So it was for Tanya, “I really enjoyed how the explanation of the physical program supported the earlier message of function determining structure… the multitude of benefits of respiration and motor skill development through crawling, creeping and brachiation were truly excellent. It made sense after seeing the physical demonstration of the children how the intellectual program fits in with the physical program.”


On the final day of the course parents learn about The Institutes Developmental Profile, which provides a broad overview of the growth and development of the brain. Language development, how to teach a foreign language and how to introduce music appreciation, composition and a musical instrument are also taught. In the discussion of early communication Tanya was struck by the fact that “the baby needs to pump up his respiration in order to summon a response to our questions, if the baby needs something the baby will communicate with sounds the baby does not making sounds just to make noise – it takes much physical effort for the baby.”

The Take Home

Overall, looking back on the week Tanya felt the most important things she learned to use in the future when her own children come along was “Be patient with yourself and with your child. Trust the program and trust your instincts and trust your baby. Have fun enjoying every minute you have with your child. Be observant and be responsive.”

Better Babies Return

Better Babies Return

You can start your child on a pathway to capability and confidence. Your child will never, ever have a better teacher than you. The younger a child is the easier it is to learn. Your child will never be any younger than he or she is right now.

Learn How You Can Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence too.

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