What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child: December 2024
“Take it and don’t look back”, I finally listened, and I am forever grateful.”
Our Parents Have their Say
The Valentine Auditorium ready for the course when it is presented on campus
“Listening to the expertise of the Staff, explaining terms, theories, definitions, anecdotes, etc. The wealth of information they share is incredible and should be more accessible.”
Father, Mexico
“The course is conducted very professionally; we felt every bit of information is useful for us.”
Mother, Israel
“That we were taught the foundation behind everything, understanding why we do it, the explanation of the tools to implement each aspect, and even modify it.”
Mother, Mexico
“It really changed my way of thinking about treating my son.”
Father, Israel
“Besides what we learned, meeting people deeply committed to their work, caring, kind, and attentive to our needs and those of our children, getting to know the Staff as if in person, and meeting Glenn through his legacy videos.”
Mother, Spain
“I found myself in the company of other people in the same boat, and I feel that we are not alone. We are in the same boat, but we are not alone.”
Father, California
“The explanation and details about each of the programs, the cause and effect basically.”
Mother, Texas
“The information about how the brain functions.”
Father, Israel
“The clarity. What I need to do is very clear. Knowing that I have a Staff Advocate who will support me along the way helps a ton because taking something from concept to our new way of life can be a bit intimidating!”
Mother, Colorado
“I liked the reading program and the pattern of everything learned here must follow frequency, intensity, and duration, results will come then.”
Father, California
“The best thing for me was the Sensory Stimulation evaluation and program. The Staff did a wonderful job in teaching this part.”
Mother, Pennsylvania
“The best part of the course was learning about other children and their journeys, but what stood out even more was hearing the parents’ perspectives on their effort and how it was all worth it. I really liked the reading program, and the patterning, and I especially appreciated the practical activities that showed us how to implement the program effectively.”
Mother, California
“The Staff and their commitment. And of course, the success stories of families who have come out with flying colors.”
Father, Texas
“The way the topics were presented and the insistence on important things, as well as everything they say is in God’s hands.”
Father, Spain
Was it worth the time, effort, and cost?
Parents browse the bookstore
“Yes, I would say this is the best impact ever made for my family and by people who are not trying to take advantage of us. I consider that I have all the tools that I need for my child to start the program. The course is very well-organized, everything was in order. Thank you very much for what you do, please keep helping people, and I will tell other parents about the great value of this course as well.”
Father, California
“Yes. It’s hard to understand how this information (which truly seems so reasonable and logical) hadn’t reached us before, and that even doctors don’t know about it. Thank you very much! We are very hopeful about this great opportunity for our son.”
Mother, Mexico
“Yes, it was worth it and more. It was daunting to see an intensive 7-day course. However, the time goes by easily and the knowledge shared is valuable beyond measure. I think everything was explained well. I think that The Institute staff goes above and beyond.”
Mother, Pennsylvania
“One hundred percent. We don’t have any regrets but are feeling good about attending the course. The cost, though it felt a bit high initially, for all the content, knowledge, advocacy and support, doesn’t feel high at all.
The course format is structured very well, and I wouldn’t change anything. The Institute’s Staff did a great job with online training.
Keep doing the service to humanity and for brain injured kids. We will become advocates to spread your greatness to other parents who need help!!”
Father, Texas
“YES, DEFINITELY YES. Simply thank you for giving us this opportunity and trusting us. Thank you for everything.”
Mother, Spain
“May God bless Dr. Glenn and all those who trusted him and took action. Also, blessings for Dr. Glenn’s mentor, Dr. Temple Fay. Surely, they have their reward in heaven.”
Father, Spain
“Thank you infinitely! See you soon with my son!”
Father, Mexico
“Yes. Thank you so much for your commitment to my son. It is great to know that we have such a supportive staff to help us.”
Father, Jerusalem, Israel
“Yes. Thank you for sharing all this knowledge and life-changing experience.”
Mother, Israel
“Yes, absolutely. Haven’t attended such a disciplined course in a very long time.”
Mother, Texas
“The course was worth every penny, the time and the effort. Once I learned how important this work is not just to my daughter but to thousands of other kids, I am happy and grateful to pay the fee.
Thank you for helping us and helping our children. I will do anything to be able to have a back-and-forth conversation with my daughter and to know how she is, what she likes, why she likes it and what her thoughts, dreams and memories are. After taking the course, I feel more hopeful than I ever have that this day will come.
Thank you all so much. Your energy and love for our children resonates and I am so incredibly grateful. What a legacy.”
Mother, Colorado
“Yes, it was definitely worth the time, effort, and cost. Thank you for this experience, it was amazing!”
Mother, California
“Yes, I had a great time, and I am eager to start. The Staff are great, keep that amazing spirit!”
Father, Israel
What is your advice to parents considering taking the course?
Susan Aisen, teaches parents how to evaluate their child on the Developmental Profile
“I would definitely recommend this to any parent to take this course without a second thought. This is 100% worth the time investment.”
Father, Texas
“If you think you need a power to change your child’s life, this program is that magic power that empowers you with right tools. It might sound like a regular online course, but they are really serious about the quality of their work. If you are ready to do anything for your child, they have the plan for you.”
Mother, Texas
“Take it and don’t look back. Start as soon as you can. I have spent thousands of dollars and years of things that have helped but haven’t fully healed my daughter. If I had started with this sooner, I would have saved resources and time in the long run. More importantly, I would have given my daughter an even greater runway. “Take it and don’t look back” is what another mother told me, I finally listened, and I am forever grateful.”
Mother, Colorado
“Don’t hesitate; time is gold. If the price is a concern, I’d say that compared to everything spent on therapies and doctors, this is actually very affordable.”
Mother, Mexico
“DO NOT HESITATE!!! What you learn here is impressive. Their experience working with brain-injured children for so many years is evident. Be prepared to unlearn a lot in order to relearn, but it is worth it. The effort pays off, and even the smallest progress your child makes is more than anything else. Try to take the course as soon as you hear about it.”
Mother, Spain
“To make time, rest well before starting, and you will find motivation in every moment. Everything said here is important to learn. You have a lot to learn, and most likely, you know nothing about what you’ll learn!”
Father, Spain
“Commit fully, don’t hesitate, and allocate time to focus entirely during the 7 days.”
Father, Mexico
“To go ahead and take the course because it benefits your child, your life, and the future of the community, too. Hurt children have the potential of beautiful skills that nobody knows they have.”
Father, Los Angeles, California
“Do it if you have the ability to commit to a life-changing program.”
Father, Israel
“Do it! And take it together with your partner.”
Mother, Israel
“My advice to a parent considering this course would be to ensure they have enough support at home to fully focus on the training. It’s also a good idea to set aside time after each day to review the binder, as it contains really useful information that helps reinforce what was taught.”
Mother, California
“I would tell parents that this course gives you the answers to so many questions of the unknown. It is filled with information that seemed unattainable. Keep an open-mind and make sure you are paying close attention!”
Mother, Pennsylvania
“Take it, listen carefully, understand the whole picture and then apply this to your daily life for you and your children. In the end if time was properly dedicated, results could be extraordinary.”
Father, California
“Do it because there is so much to get out of it in this relatively short period of time. Embrace the new knowledge you get during the course!”
Father, Israel
What is the most important
thing you have learned?
Parents from all over the world have attended the course.
“The most important thing I have learned is that the brain is always growing and with the right program, it can begin to produce amazing results.”
Mother, Pennsylvania
“That with hard work I can significantly improve my son’s abilities.”
Father, Israel
“The most important thing I learned from this course was The Institutes Development Profile. It provided a clear and comprehensive map to better understand my daughter and identify the areas where I can support her most effectively.”
Mother, California
‘That my child is not “just slow” for no reason. He has a brain injury that we need to address.”
Father, Mexico
“That brain injuries exist and can be healed, that the brain grows with use, that pattern assimilation helps heal brain injuries, and that nutrition is fundamental to this challenge.”
Father, Spain
“I’ve learned about working with The Institute’s Developmental Profile, I am aware of my son’s brain injury now knowing I must stimulate the brain and not continue addressing the symptoms.”
Mother, Israel
“THAT THE BRAIN GROWS WITH USE. That brain injury is not a limitation but a starting point to improve our child’s development by providing appropriate opportunities and environment. The key lies in the intensity, frequency, and duration of stimulation.”
Mother, Spain
That having a brain injury (even though it is permanent) does not prevent the brain from developing normally and reaching its maximum potential, provided that (1) the brain is stimulated (and not other parts of the body); (2) and the stimulation is correct in frequency, intensity, and duration.
Mother, Mexico
“The Institutes gives hope to all the children’s parents, things can be reversed. It is the answer that you don’t receive from other doctors who only give diagnoses. The Institutes are real human beings helping with love with testimonial from everybody. It was a great experience to take the course I love it, and I will recommend it to anybody.”
Father, California
“All these programs are very vital on a day-to- day basis, starting from nutrition, the physical program, oxygenation, and reading.”
Mother, Texas
“Treating the brain is the only and best way to get special needs kids to recover from their challenges.”
Father, Texas
“That I can change the future for my children. That together we will shift the current tunnel we are in and create a new momentum that is set up to improve their experience living the rest of their lives.”
Mother, Colorado
“I learned about how this treatment program has worked for those who commit to doing it and how by applying it with structure, rules and practicing this program shows results by itself and in some cases these results could be extraordinary.”
Father, California
“To think like a soldier again about teaching my son, consistency, never leave the wounded behind because they are you.”
Father, Israel
How will this change what you do for your child?
Our kids work hard and get better
“Never give up. He is a real fighter.”
Father, Israel
“I will apply what I learned through this course and one thing I need to change is being stricter in terms of the frequency and duration, persistence and motivation is the key.”
Father, California
“This course has emphasized the importance of consistency and doing the activities daily. While it feels daunting for me right now, I now understand why it’s necessary and how impactful it can be for my child’s progress. This understanding motivates me to prioritize it moving forward.”
Mother, California
“The biggest change is that I get to be there with my children. Teaching them, helping them, and guiding them.”
Mother, Colorado
“We will be getting our son out of school, from therapies which he is currently undergoing, and will be following the training that we undertook with The Institutes.”
Father, Texas
“This program has helped to derive a plan for my child. I have all the information that we need to start this whole new approach.”
Mother, Texas
“We hope that with the Developmental Profile we created and the program we designed; we can speed up the years my son has fallen behind in meeting “average” developmental milestones. We aim to pave solid foundations so that, from now on, his development exceeds the average.”
Father, Mexico
“In many ways. By diagnosing my child, I now know the starting point to heal the brain injury.”
Father, Spain
“We will put everything we learned into practice to try to bring our child as close to excellence as possible.”
Mother, Spain
“We will put all our effort into helping him stimulate his brain, bearing in mind that time is of the essence.”
Mother, Mexico
“My daughter will change in a good way because The Institutes has been teaching and improving other children, and I can see my child being helped by all that is being offered, too.”
Father, Los Angeles, California
Was the course what you were expecting?
Janet Doman teaching about the range of brain injury.
“The course taught me so many things that I did not know. It will prepare you, not only for your child, but also to understand other children around you.”
Father, California
“Definitely. It is a one-stop solution to the problems that we were dealing with our son.”
Father, Texas
“Yes, it was eye-opening and answered so many questions that have plagued me for years concerning my brain- injured child. It renewed a spirit of hope in me – I had accepted mediocrity for my child.”
Mother, Pennsylvania
“Yes, and in some ways, it feels simpler than I anticipated!”
Mother, Colorado
“Yes, as an introduction to start the Program and understand the “why.” Complementing it in the future with the other classes offered and to reassess and review the program with the Staff will be valuable, too.”
Mother, Mexico
“I really jumped into the course without knowing what to expect. My decision was based on friends-of-friends recommendations, but I didn’t ask many questions beforehand. Coming in with an open mind turned out to be helpful!”
Mother, California
“Yes, and the inclusion of the legacy videos of Glenn Doman’s classes added a special touch.”
Father, Mexico
“Much more than that.”
Father, Spain
“Yes, and much more.”
Mother, Spain
“And much, much more.”
Mother, Israel
Same little boy above a few years later ready to take on the world!