Helping Children Around the World

Read Glenn Doman’s Landmark Book:


In this valuable volume for parents and professionals, Glenn Doman documents The Institutes® more than 65-year success with the brain-injured, citing statistics and case histories, and illustrating the basic principles of brain development with charts, diagrams and drawings.

How To Multiply Course
IAHP Internationally recognized

The Institutes is internationally known for its pioneering work in child brain development. Our goal for every brain-injured child is to have a fighting chance to be well. Our goal for every well child is to have the opportunity to be intellectually, physically, and socially excellent—so they are able to follow their own path to achieve their goals in life.

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Developmental Problems Are Not Forever

No matter how frightening the symptomatic label given to the child may be, thousands of parents have learned that the brain has tremendous plasticity. Our hurt kids get better – much better.

Help your Well Child Excel

Learning begins at birth or earlier. The first six years of life are the genesis of genius. The younger a child is, the easier it is to learn. Parents are the key.

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The Institutes is a nonprofit organization. We have survived because we have a program that really works, and because people of good will around the world have contributed to our work.

We could not exist without this help. If you want to give hurt children a fighting chance to be well, and well kids the chance to be highly capable, then join our gentle revolution and contribute.

Welcome to The In-Report

Click on picture below to read 50th Anniversary Issue

The In-Report is written for the parents of a few thousand children (who are on the program of the The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential) by an even smaller group (a couple of dozen staff members of The Institutes).

There has always existed an extremely tight bond between the parents of the children who are on the program of The Institutes and the staff. This close bond is of inestimable value to the children, the parent, and the staff. Since both the parents and the staff have always recognized the value of the bond, every effort had always been made to continue to strengthen that highly valued relationship…

Find The Right Program For Your Child

Our children arrive with symptomatic diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, autism, developmental delay, epilepsy, attention deficit disorder, learning problems, dyslexia or one of many syndromes for genetic disorders that can cause neurological problems. Many parents are told that their child cannot be helped. Instead of receiving effective treatment, they are offered palliative care. We treat the brain, not the symptoms. This makes all the difference. Our parents have proven that hurt children have enormous potential.

The capacity of the human brain is staggering and we use only a small percentage of it. Our work embraces all children from the well newborn to the neurologically hurt child who may be struggling intellectually, physically or socially. For more than six decades we have studied the brain and gained a deeper understanding of brain development. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of all children by providing parents with the tools need to make their children healthier, happier and more capable.

All children have potential

We believe all children have a right to be intellectually, physically and socially excellent.

Parents are the best teachers

When parents know how the brain grows, they can create an enriched environment at home for their children.

The brain grows by use

Parents learn appropriate, safe, enjoyable and effective ways to promote the growth of the brain.

Programs for Hurt Children

Learning is Play

All human beings are learning throughout life. But learning is an inverse function of age. Tiny children learn at a rate that is truly astonishing, and they do so, without effort because learning is the highest form of play for a child.

Children want to learn

Every waking moment the child is demanding information. The pressure on parents is relentless. It is easy to be overwhelmed. We give our parents the answers to feed their hungry students and to enjoy every minute.

Ability is the goal

Little children are highly intelligent but they often spend the first six years being treated as if they are not. This can create frustration and upset. When parents understand what to do, the child’s abilities grow then frustration and upsets disappear.

Programs for Well Children

We know that the potential of the child is huge. All parents want their children to have the best opportunity to realize that potential. How can parents use their child’s precious early years to the fullest?

We have spent the last 60 years with mothers and fathers discovering the best way to teach our parents how to provide a stimulating environment and enriched opportunities for their children to become intellectually, physically and socially capable and confident. When this happens our children can pursue their own path and achieve their own goals.

"The world has looked at brain growth and development as if it were a predestined and unchangeable fact, instead brain growth and development is a dynamic and ever-changing process."

What Makes Us Different

A Real Diagnosis

When children come to us, they have often received a poor prognosis and symptomatic labels, but no real diagnosis. We give children an accurate diagnosis that states the area of the brain involved, the degree of injury, and the extent of injury to brain.

Drug-Free Treatment

Some medications have a suppressive effect on the brain. A sedated child is not a healthy child. We use a program of stimulation and opportunity, not medications, to help the injured brain to mature and function more normally.

Unique Programming

Each child is unique and requires a program designed for that child’s neurological condition and physiology. Our clinical team works tirelessly to create one-of-a-kind treatment program that is ideal for each child based on regular evaluations.

"Doing the program is an incredible bonding process with your children. I loved every moment of teaching them and seeing how it changed their lives for the better. I could see that by instilling the love of learning in my children, their opportunities in life would be endless, that they could be anything they imagined as a result. I’m happy to say that this has proven true over and over again."

Join Our Gentle Revolution

Glenn Doman with Janet Doman

There’s No Time Like The Present.

The younger the child, the faster their brain can grow. Start maximizing your child’s potential today, regardless of where they are on the developmental spectrum.

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