Is a Trisomy 21 diagnosis for life?
Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome, is a genetic condition that is caused by the presence of a third copy of chromosome 21 (hence the name Trisomy 21).
Children with Trisomy 21, labeled as having Down syndrome, have a pattern of malformations that are pathogenetically related. It was believed that these genetic problems were the complete explanation as to why these children could not function as well as other children. As a result, it has been assumed that they could not be treated or helped. This is not the case.
The Institutes does not treat the genetic disorder. However, these children are brain-injured as a result of their genetic problems. Those injuries may be mild, moderate, severe, or profound, just as they are in other brain-injured children.
Down syndrome is a label rather than a diagnosis. A proper diagnosis describes where the problem exists, the degree of the problem, and the extent of the problem. It is necessary to treat the brain, where the problem actually exists to be successful.
Parents may wish bring their child to The Institutes. After a detailed history is taken and a careful and thorough evaluation is completed, a diagnosis is made and a home treatment program is designed for each child and carefully taught. The Institutes presents courses for parents where they can learn how to successfully provide enrichment and opportunity at home to help their child progress.
Parents from around the world have helped their children with Down syndrome move along the path to wellness. Using the programs developed by The Institutes, children diagnosed with Down syndrome have been able to improve function and, in many cases, perform at peer level-and above.
“Mila has been our biggest motivation since the day she was born and continues to be the love of our lives. We are lucky to have had the support of friends and family that have been there for us since we started the program.”
A chromosomal test confirmed that Daichi had Trisomy 21. Now Daichi is off to a wonderful start – he went from not moving, understanding poorly, and being unable to speak; to running, understanding, reading, doing math, and speaking.
At two years of age, Mother began teaching Maria and Anna to read. Today, at four years of age, the twins love to read, and they read every day. They both walk and run two hours daily.
A life-changing course. Parents learn what to do, how to do it and why it works. Presented in English & Spanish