Rosie – proving every day that there is magic on that extra chromosome Here is Rose with her Advocate and
Little Paul was in trouble from before he was even born Mother tells his touching story Paul’s life started
Ariel defies all the conventional “wisdom” Ariel with President Clinton after he spoke at the Clinton’s Foundation. Mother’s Story Two
One Minute of Tears, 26 Years of Accomplishments During pregnancy, my wife intuitively felt that we were going to have
Aron Goes Home “Don’t expect anything,leave him in the hospital, donot take him home” Aron was three days old when
His Family Creates a Life of Stimulation and Opportunity Nico’s family is from the Dominican Republic, they read What
Sean’s Path to Wellness in Dad’s Words Sean age six months One Saturday morning in August six years ago, my
One mother takes the road less taken and finds it does make all the difference When you notice something unusual
Proving that Fathers, like Mothers, are the best teachers
Mila is a blessing to our family; she is our first daughter and the first granddaughter in the family. We are lucky to have such a wonderful little girl who is strong, determined and above all, very lovable.