How To Train for a Swimathon

Swimathon Training

Parents can design their own swimathon for their child, setting goals that fit that family and child. The Evan Thomas Institute Swimathon has two timed periods. Swimathon Training can be fun and exciting for your child.

30-Minute Swim

For young swimmers, they must be able to swim independently one length of a 25-yard pool

They may swim on their back (with flutter kick and sculling) or using a front crawl with rhythmic breathing. A parent may swim in the lane with the child, but not assist in swimming. Parents can help with Swimathon training by being there and encouraging their child.

60-Minute Swim

A swimmer must first succeed in the 30-Minute Swim before entering the 60-Minute Swim.

The swimmers must use front crawl for the entire swim.

Training Schedule

3 months prior

Swim at least one time a week.

Develop strength and endurance by doing a varied workout of pulls, kicks, sprints, and nonstop swim periods of about 20-30 minutes. The focus at this point is on developing a high-quality front crawl and good open turns and/or flip turns. Swimathon Training can be a fun activity for the whole family.

2 months prior:

Swim 1-2 times a week.

Continue to spend time on stroke quality and extend the nonstop swim periods. Try for two nonstop swims during each session.

1 month prior:

Swim 2 times a week, minimum.

Add 10 minutes to the nonstop swim each week.

Eventually the child is swimming 40, 50, then 60 minutes nonstop.

A child should be well-prepared for this physical challenge — Swimathon training is hard work. The swimmer should train for the full time of the swimathon at least once or twice before the actual event.


Make a Splash! Donate to the 2016 Swimathon

Honor the Olympic effort of our young swimmers and the brain-injured children they help by supporting the 30th annual Evan Thomas Institutes Swimathon.

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