Results for Hurt Children: Immobility to Crawling

Results: The only thing that matters in the world of hurt kids

At birth a newborn baby is immobile: the baby can move his arms and legs freely but cannot move forward. This is the first stage and at this point the baby is essentially immobile.

A newborn baby needs a user-friendly floor environment that makes it easy to move.

As the baby has more opportunity on his belly on the floor the baby moves his arms and legs more. The more he does so, the better he gets. He is makes many experiments to discover what he needs to do in order to move forward. At first, he may actually move backwards or pivot around. Although this may appear to be frustrating for him, this is progress.

When a baby begins to actually move forward this is the beginning of crawling and it is a very important stage in the baby’s development.

Injury to the brain either before, during or after delivery can result in immobility or paralysis. This is because of injury to the motor pathway not injury to the arms and legs.

A baby crawling track is a user friendly floor environment. After opportunity in the track, the newborn baby is crawling in a matter of days.

Appropriate sensory stimulation and motor opportunity are the answer when the motor pathway is in trouble. When the child is provided with appropriate sensory stimulation with increased frequency, intensity and duration in recognition of the orderly way in which the brain develops and then given ample opportunity to move, that pathway will grow. The child will begin to move a few inches, and then a few feet, and then use crawling as the means of transportation from place to place. Once a child can crawl across a room he is no longer immobile.


During mother’s high-risk pregnancy, the baby had two brain bleeds and another 3 days after birth. The first seizure was also observed at this time. Zoe spent the next three weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit. At nine months old, Zoe was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, developmental delay, and infantile spasms. At 2 years old, she had strabismus, was deaf in one ear and barely moved.

Zoe’s parents attended “What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child” course and started a home program based on what they learned. After two months, Zoe was crawling 70 meters every day and received her crawling victory.


At the time of her second ultrasound, doctors suspected gastrointestinal abnormalities, but this was never confirmed until after Lawrence’s birth. Lawrence was born 79 days premature. He was 2.5 pounds. At birth he required surgery to repair a perforated bowel. He was intubated, monitored, and fed through lines in his belly button because his esophagus was not connected to his stomach at that time. Three months later he had a repair of tracheoesophageal fistula. At age one year, Lawrence could not move at all, he could not even roll over.

Mother attended the “What to do About Your Brain-injured Child” course and started a home program based on what she learned. After a month of home program, he began crawling. Now Lawrence is 2 years old, and he can crawl as his means of transport. He crawls about 90 meters a day.


Chaim had seizures after birth. He was taken to the NICU and was placed in an incubator to help him regulate his body temperature and low sugar level. He was diagnosed with a KCNQQ2 gene mutation after a chromosomal test at 8 months old. Around his first birthday, he had COVID, and his breathing deteriorated and seizures got longer – he was hospitalized. Mother attended the What to do About Your Brain-injured Child” course when he was 5 years old. He could only roll over from his stomach to back and was not able to move forward at that time. Mother started a home program and after about a month Chaim began crawling on the floor. Now he can crawl 60 meters a day and has achieved a crawling victory.


Results for Hurt Children: Immobility to Crawling

After appropriate stimulation and opportunity Beatriz could easily crawl eight meters in four minutes.

Beatriz began the program when she was 22 months old. She could move her arms and legs, and she could rolled over when placed on the floor but she could not move forward or backward. She was given daily opportunity to move down an inclined floor and 11 months later she was crawling 200 meters daily. She has now doubled that distance.


Results for Hurt Children: Immobility to Crawling

Yukia using her overhead ladder

When Yukia began the program she was 40 months old. She could move her arms and legs but could not move forward on the floor. A year and a half later, after daily opportunity on the floor, she learned how to crawl 50 meters in a day. She could crawl 20 meters non-stop. Now she can crawl 100 meters daily.


Tomas is from Brazil. As soon as Tomas was born parents learned he had Trisomy 21. When he was 3 months old, his mother attended the What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child course.  At that time, he was flaccid and could not yet crawl. Mother started a physical program. By age 9 months he was crawling and received a crawling victory.  When was 11 months old, he began creeping.

By age 20 months, he received a creeping victory, and he began taking steps. He is also saying 45 words and his understanding is above his peers!

Tomas with his team


Larissa is from the United States. As a baby her doctor found symptoms of genetic abnormalities and confirmed a microdeletion. At 5 months, she had heart surgery. When she was 52 months old, her parents attended the What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child course. At that time, Larissa could move her elbows and knees a little bit, but she could not crawl. Six months later she could creep on hands and knees 200 meters daily and she received a creeping victory. Now she can stand by holding an overhead bar with one hand.



Ana is from Ecuador. Her birth was premature, and she was placed in an incubator, monitored and tube fed. At birth, her doctor suspected Trisomy 21. When she was 4 months old, her parents attended the What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child course. At that time, she could roll but not crawl. Parents started a physical program at home. At 11 months, she could crawl and hold a creeping position. She received crawling victory. When she was 1 year 5 months old, she could creep 600 meters a day and she received a creeping victory. She could speak 7 words and she was enjoying reading many words, sentences, and large print books. She is walking now!


Diego no longer crawls for transport, now he is is walking independently.

Diego was diagnosed with the genetic disorder, Trisomy 8. He was 11 months when he started the program. He had restricted movement of his arms and legs due to rigidity. After being given daily stimulation and opportunity to move he learned how to crawl for his own needs after fourteen months. He crawled at least 160 meters in a day. Today Diego not only creeps more than a thousand meters daily on his hands and knees, he is walking independently.


Shortly after he was born Jerome was diagnosed as microcephalic. He started a careful program of stimulation and opportunity at 28 months. At that time he was rigid and could not move forward on the floor. Six months after beginning his home program, he began crawling. Three months later, he was crawling more than 100 meters a day. At that time he was awarded a crawling victory. Today he  can maintain himself  on his hands and knees and he is beginning to creep.


Jerome today with his team, Mother and Father



Sebastian today

When Sebastian was 5 years old, he had severe nerve pain and was diagnosed with Gullian-Barre syndrome. He then had a severe reaction to the medication used to treat him. This caused hydrocephaly. He lost all his mobility function.

He began on a home treatment program at age 10. At that time he could only move forward using the trunk of his body. It took him 10 minutes to move 4 meters on his belly on the floor. The left side of his body was tighter than the right side of his body, especially his left arm and fingers. He started on a full program of stimulation and opportunity. After 12 months Sebastian was able to crawl 330 meters in day for the first time since he was injured at age five.  Today he can get on his hands and knees and he can stand with overhead bar for the first time.

Fighting his way back


Cillian gets a reading and a crawling victory

Cillian was two months premature. He was a one of twins and his weight at birth was only 1,000 gm. He had  Grade 1 intraventricular hemorrhage. When he was five and a half his parents discovered the program of The Institutes and he began on a home program. At that time he was immobile. Cillian could move his arms and legs, but he could not move forward to crawl. Six months later he began to move forward on the floor for the first time. At his first appointment at age six he could crawl 90 meters a day. He also began reading for the first time and has achieved a reading victory. Now he crawls 200 meters a day.

Still a long journey but no longer immobile


When Ganesh was born, his birthweight was low, and he vomited a lot. At 5 months old, he was diagnosed with the genetic disorder Isochromosome 16. When he was 12 months old, his parents discovered the program of The Institutes and he began on a home program. At that time he was immobile. 3 months later, he began crawling and 6 months later, he was crawling 100 meters a day. At that time, he was awarded a crawling victory. Today, he can crawl almost 300 meters a day and he is beginning to hold a creeping position.


Dominic was cyanotic at birth. He was placed in an incubator and given oxygen the next 3 months due to a heart condition. In the 4th month he had heart surgery. He was diagnosed with Trisomy 21. At age 22 months, parents discovered the program of The Institutes, and he began on a home program. At that time, he was completely immobile. One month later, he began crawling. Three months later, he began creeping, and 5 months later, he began walking. Now he is walking everywhere inside and outside of the house.


Raphael had to be incubated as his nose was closed at birth. He had respiratory problems, heart problems, low muscle tone, as well problems in the visual and auditory pathways. He was diagnosed with Charge syndrome. When he was 9 months old, parents discovered the program of The Institutes, and he began on a home program. At that time he was unable to move. A few days after beginning his new program he began crawling. Two months later, he began creeping.  One year later he began to walk for the first time. Now he walks 2,000 meters daily.

Each of these children were immobile. Sometimes our parents are told when they have an immobile child that this cannot be changed and it may be permanent. Now each of these children can move and explore the world around them and enjoy that world. The quality of their lives has changed immeasurably for the better. These results were brought about by the efforts of each family. Mother and Father, brothers and sisters and most especially the child – all working together to give each child a fighting chance for a much better life.


Austin was born at 25 weeks, with bleeding in both hemispheres. During his time in intensive care, he was diagnosed with Pallister Killian Syndrome. Austin spent 5 months in the hospital fighting for his life, with little developmental progress. At age one year, Austin was diagnosed as cortically blind, with poor hearing, and cardiac and kidney problems. He was unable to move or use his hands.  Austin’s family attended the What to Do About Your Brain-injured Child course before his second birthday and began a home treatment program. When we saw him for the first time, he was 18 months old. At that time, he was both too tight and too loose! He could not move forward at all.

Today he is crawling more than 200 meters daily and he is beginning to hold the creep position with a little help.



Mother’s water broke at 26 weeks of gestation due to the placenta previa and for safety reasons, mother had c-section. Otto was born 2 months premature.  At age 18 months, he was diagnosed with Periventricular leukomalacia and epilepsy. He was placed on anticonvulsant medication.  When he was two, his parents attended the “What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child” course and they began a home program. At that time, he could turn his body, but he could not move forward. Two months later, he began crawling for the first time. By the time we saw him for his first appointment he was already crawling 50 meters a day and he earned a crawling victory!

By age three he has tripled his crawling and is holding a creep position for the first time.


Emma was delivered by emergency c-section as she was in fetal distress. She had difficulty breathing at birth and was carefully monitored. She was diagnosed with Trisomy 21. Emma had difficulties sucking and swallowing. When Emma was 6 months old, mother discovered the Institutes.

At that time Emma was not moving on the floor and then start the home program. At the first appointment, she was crawling 100 meters. Then she began creeping

Now she is walking 1,300 meters a day

Each of these children were immobile. Sometimes our parents are told when they have an immobile child that this cannot be changed, and it may be permanent. Now each of these children can move and explore the world around them and enjoy that world. The quality of their lives has changed immeasurably for the better. These results were brought about by the efforts of each family. Mother and Father, brothers, and sisters and most especially the child – all working together to give each child a fighting chance for a much better life


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