Parents are able to create a home treatment program for their child after the course.

Once parents have attended the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course, they are able to design a home program for their child.

The Home Program Consultation enables parents to receive a review of their program by The Institutes staff. This consultation helps parents to be certain that the program they designed is appropriate for their child.

The Home Program Consultation has two objectives:

  1. To prepare parents for the more advanced treatment program by helping them to achieve an effective and appropriate basic home treatment program.
  2. To guide parents who are not yet able to bring their child to The Institutes for a program but wish to have support and advice to get started at home.

To have a Home Program Consultation, one parent must have attended the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course.

After attending the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course, parents who wish to have a Home Program Consultation do a full evaluation of their child based on The Institutes Developmental Profile.

Parents also design a home program for their child. Parents review the lecture notes and materials that they received during the course and they read and study the books that are recommended during the course. Parents who need the Home Program Consultation materials may request them from The Institutes Clinical Coordinator.

Before parents are ready for the Home Program Consultation, parents must return home from the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course and create and begin a home program.

It is recommended that they do this program every day so that parents can experience doing a neurological program at home and hopefully observe significant improvement in their child.

After doing a program daily for at least two months, parents complete a Home Program History and re-evaluate their child using the Developmental Profile. They send these to the Clinical Coordinator at The Institutes.

The Institutes staff carefully reviews the Home Program History and the evaluation and then contacts the parents. If the staff has questions or needs more information, they request it from the family before providing a review of the home program.

If the objective of the family is to bring their child to The Institutes for an appointment, the staff outlines the pathway to arrange this as quickly as possible. If the family is ready for an appointment, they receive the first available appointment and the date is confirmed with the family. If the family is not yet able to bring their child to The Institutes, the staff makes certain that the updated program is appropriate and effective so parents can proceed with confidence.

Parents preparing for their first appointment may need or want two Home Program Consultations before they are ready for an appointment at The Institutes. Parents pursuing their program at home without an appointment to the The Institutes may have as many Home Program Consultations as parents and staff feel are needed and wanted.

To speak with a clinician about your child, please fill out the contact form to request a phone consultation.

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