What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child – August 2021

“No side effects,

no expensive equipment.

 The proof is in the pudding.”


Our Parents

Have their say


Was the course

what you were expecting?


“More. Having four university degrees and many certifications, given and listened to many presentations, I am blown away by the quality of content and delivery of this course.”                                               

Mother from Canada 


“It was more than I was expecting. I told my husband this is it. They know how I feel.”

Mother from Illinois


“The course was beyond what I expected. I had already read the book What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child, there was so much more to learn and be taught.”

Mother from Illinois


“No, it was so much more, informative and eye opening. Amazing. Thank you.”

 Mother from South Carolina



“The course went much further from what expected.”

 Mother from Spain


“Yes, it was and more. I really like how things were explained, and I think The Institutes have a great gauge on humanity, not just brain injury. I felt I was learning a lot about life, not just brain injury. It was a whole new way to look at brain injury, and I realized I was not being a mother wearing rose-colored glasses and not accepting my child’s disabilities, and I was right to find a way for her to be as able as possible. And I found out how! And I realized that not only will the program help my hurt child but it is going to give a purpose of life to all those involved, I can see how this is so true.”

Mother from United Kingdom




What is the most important thing you learned?


“ I learned how to evaluate my child and how to set up a program for success.”

Mother from Australia


“This is one of the most life-changing courses I have ever attended and there were so many ‘goosebump’ and eye opener moments.

 Within the first days of the course, my husband and I were smiling and laughing with hope filled hearts.

I have never seen a course or presenters so organized and so captivating. It is hard to blink an eye when you hear classes from Glenn Doman and Janet Doman.

 The Staff have seen so many miracles with brain injured children, they have no option other than being passionate…I am looking forward to coming to The Institutes…thank you for assuring us of your support.”

Mother from Illinois



“I realized the need to give the siblings of a brain-injured child opportunities to help with the home treatment program of their brother or sister for their own character development.”

Physician, Mother, Grandmother from Nigeria


“We are not hopeless anymore, I deeply believe that we can make this happen for my son.”

Mother from Spain



“How to use the Development Profile.”

Grandmother from Canada



What would be your advice to parents considering taking

this course?



“I knew about the course and didn’t plunge in for a year not knowing what I was getting into. Please don’t make that mistake. Take the course now. Read the book now.”

Mother from Illinois


“There are no side effects.  There is no expensive equipment. If nothing else, begin by reading the book and start some of the ideas from there. The proof is in the pudding.”

Mother from the United Kingdom


“Trust the process. Enter with an open mind.”

Mother from South Carolina


“Don’t delay. Get the information as soon as you can so you can get started.”

Mother from Georgia



“Trust that you heard about the course for a reason, there are no coincidences. And don’t believe everything you have been told about your child up to this point. Those stories you’ve heard about the ‘miracle children who recover’, they aren’t miracles. They aren’t exceptions to the rule. These outcomes are the norm at The Institutes. These outcomes are the result of certain characteristics: belief in a child’s potential; an understanding of pathology; consistency; faith, also known as patience; perseverance; the presumption of competence and intelligence even if you can’t see the expression of it yet, and open mindedness.


Mother from Canada


“Taking this course is the best decision you can make.”

Grandmother from Canada


“Be open minded and it can only get better.”

Father from California


“You can’t place a price on your child…meaning that some parents may say the course is not affordable for them but there is so much to learn and so much that we as parents need to unlearn because of what society has taught us to expect or understand about our child.”

Mother from Illinois


“Every parent who has a brain injured child must do the course for the well being of their child.”

Mother from Australia


“Go for it! You have nothing to lose and even if you don’t decide to implement the entire program you will learn many, many things to help your child.”

Mother from North Carolina

“Just go all in. There is no better time than NOW to take this course and follow the program religiously with FULL FAITH. God is in the Sky, and Glenn Doman and The Institutes are on the Earth.”

Father from the United Kingdom


What was the best thing

about the Course?


“The why behind everything taught.”

Mother from North Carolina


“Real hope.”

Mother from Australia


“Everything…we became a big fan of Janet Doman. Every word she said was so powerful.”

Mother from Illinois


“The course leaves no stone unturned when it comes to helping a brain-injured child. It is very well constructed and if one has a question, the Staff is always there to answer and clear up any confusion .”

 Father from the United Kingdom


“Everything is very well explained but above all I got really moved by the sensitivity and humanity of the Staff, and above all of Janet. I saw her many times get very emotional, and that is just something I had never seen in other places where people were saying they were committed to brain-injured children. I have seen much more commitment in Janet’s words and eyes than I’ve ever seen before in anybody. Very touching!!!!”

Mother from Spain



Was it worth the time,

the effort and the money?



“We got 10 times more than what we paid for.”

 Mother from Illinois



Mother from Canada


“Yes, every cent.”

Grandmother from Canada



“Yes, the best thing we could do for our child.”

Mother from Spain



Mother from North Carolina



“Yes, definitely.”

Father from United Kingdom



“The time and effort were so worth it! I have not felt this encouraged in a very long time.”

Mother from Georgia


“My only son, I would give all my belongings if it would help him.”

Father from  California



“Of course. Money is worthless ahead of helping my child.”

Mother from Australia



What was the biggest challenge you overcame to attend?



“Too many voices telling us we cannot treat autism but we overcame them at the right time.”

Mother from Illinois


“The fact that this course was available on line was a big help to convince my husband to let me give it a go.”

 Mother from the United Kingdom







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25 Things you need to know

Free Resource

This powerful PDF provides you with the tools needed to really help your brain-injured child. Get Now


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This masterclass is the first step in getting the guidance and support you need. Watch Here

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