Russo Family Story
“I was looking for anyone to tell me that staying home with my baby was a good idea.”
The Russo boys together at play on their favorite playground – Math
Twelve years ago, I became a mother, and I was supposed to be back to my job which kept me at least eleven hours outside home every day. That pretty much meant staying with my baby only on the weekends. I was feeling very distressed about it, but in my world, it seemed to be the only reasonable possible choice in my life.
“I had no idea this book would change my life.”
I was looking for anyone to tell me that staying home with my baby was a good idea. I went to the library, and I borrowed any books I found related to babies, hoping to find some encouragement. In addition, I took a book I found in the same motherhood area. It had a funny title indeed. When I picked up this book, I had no idea it would change my family’s life
“I always thought that children were deeply intelligent.”
All the volumes I borrowed were interesting and I forgot about the other books. One day, when it had already expired, I opened it. What a surprise! That book was talking about children in a way I never heard of before.
I loved it at once. I always thought that children were deeply intelligent and capable. For the first time I was clearly reading it in a printed book.
I bought right away the math program with dots and, soon after, all the other books of The Institutes.
I made words, books, and Bits. I said goodbye to my boss and after one year, my husband and I managed to attend the course, How To Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence. My son at that time was 2 years old.
Parents come from around the world to the Valentine Auditorium to learn.
The course gave me tons of ideas, thanks to which I kept the days super busy for both me and my young child.
“The physical program is the hardest, but it pays off. Each time we reach a big goal, miracles occur.”
I also managed to teach him to crawl cross pattern for the first time. As a tiny baby, he spent all his time on his back, since I diligently put him in the supine position, following the hospital directions. Encouraged by the course and by the flourishing of our son, my husband started building a brachiation ladder. I have to say that the physical program is the hardest part for me; but it pays off. Each time we reach a big goal, miracles always occur.
A big challenge arrived when my second child was born. I started the Newborn Program with him and my time for my older child dropped significantly. Nevertheless, looking backward, I now realized that I accomplished a lot with both my kids.
Much fun since the birth of my second son
I guess that it has been one of the hardest times in my life as a mother. After some months, however, I got accustomed to the new life. Afterwards, with 3 kids and then 4, The Institutes program became a second nature to me, and I magically managed to do programs in different areas with much less effort than before and more lightheartedly.
Lucky little sibling inherits all big brother’s books!
“The best part, the bond established between parents and children is so strong.”
In these eleven years I didn’t manage to do as much as I wanted. I haven’t been well organized; and I also failed in consistency.
However, I had great fun which is what matters most. Besides, I am learning myself a lot and I enjoy it greatly. In addition, and this is the best part, the bond which is established between parents and children is so strong. The kids grow very close to each other as well.
A big brother who grew up learning since an early age naturally loves to teach his younger siblings.
We enjoy our time together and depending on the season of the year our daily life is shaped on the Institutes’ program. Now that it is winter, in the morning we have Bits, books and math for the younger kids, while the older ones do their homeschool learning partially independently. Since we are all in the same room, most of the time the older boys see Bits as well. Bits are always super fun. This time is followed by foreign language and word roots.
“It’s incredible how much you can gain with The Institutes’ approach.”
In the afternoon we go running all together and we have some reading outside. After play time and dinner, the kids have their violin and piano learning, followed by books and comics just before sleeping. I have to say that two stunning programs for us have been Foreign Language and Music.
It’s incredible how much you can gain with The Institutes’ approach, compared to any traditional course commonly offered to children. All the information a parent needs is found in The Institutes’ booklets. Now all my children seem to be so gifted for music and languages, but I know it is thanks to the material they have been exposed to at an early age.
Word Roots study with masterpiece illustrations are great fun for everyone.
“Best of all, when my kids say “mom” to them means “teacher”.
All this is not effortless, but the fatigue is forgotten every day when special moments occur, such as when I do not know the meaning of a word in a foreign language, and I ask it to my sons. I have been the one teaching that language (starting from zero) to the kids and a few years later they are far better than me!
Another frequent special moment I love happens when an older brother prepares a special book to teach something to a younger sibling. Best of all, it occurs when the kids say they are each other’s best friend or when they say that “mom” for them means “teacher”.
“This is a way of living very different from the one of the people around me.”
This is a different way of learning from the one I got myself in school, where my love of learning most of the time meant love of good marks, and where I forgot most of what I just memorized soon after a test. This is also a way of living very different from the one of the people around me. However, it is worth it and being part of The Institutes’ Alumnae Association helps me to not feel alone!