What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child – September Course, 2018

Our Parents Have their Say



This is my first visit to The Institutes. I imagined that I will learn something but I have never imagined that I will learn so much and have my eyes opened in a room where there are so many people I have so much in common with. Thank you all for this week.

The book “What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child” helped me to prepare for the Course, as well as the Staff’s clear instructions over the phone.

This Course is way, way, way more than I have ever expected it to be. I have never felt so much warmth and love in one place while learning.”

Mother from Illinois

A Proper Diagnosis

“My son‘s diagnosis is autism, now I know this is a brain injury that can be treated. This course gave me the answers I have been seeking for six years. After going to so many doctors, so many universities, finally I found The Institutes who believes as I do that the child is trapped by his neurological barriers.

The course is very clear and very informative so you can understand what to do and why.”

Mother from Pennsylvania


A Neurological Evaluation

“The Institutes Developmental Profile is so accurate and helpful in evaluating my grandson.

I was starting to feel like I was lost in a hole with no way out, that my grandson and I were in a never ending nightmare. Now, that is no longer true, I feel so much better, I am beyond hope now.

I have so much knowledge now to take with me, thanks to the welcoming and informed Staff.

My neurologist knows about The Institutes and knew the program could be intense. Looking at my grandson, she said, “You know, some kids need that.”

Grandmother raising grandchild from Wisconsin

Understanding the Brain

“The Course provides a clear and concise education in the developmental process of all children, and the opportunity to get to know the miraculous brain and all its capabilities … meeting other parents who also have such iron clad dedication to their children, and the superb, kind, and highly qualified Staff of The Institutes… is beyond words.”

Mother from California

Lost in the dark

“I would absolutely recommend to parents to take this Course, and learn valid procedures and principles to follow. Families can feel lost and need a solid way out which the Course provides. I no longer need to just look at my child and wait, I can now work to help him.

The Course is perfectly structured and organized, including written notes and time with the Staff one on one to answer questions.

I think I got everything possible out of the Course!”

Mother from Italy


The tools, the support, questions answered and a plan of action

“My son’s journey to wellness can now truly start, we have the tools and support of The Institutes.

The Course was brilliant…once you attend you will know what makes it so worthwhile.

Take a week of your time, come and attend the Course. You will never sit in a lecture surrounded by people that you have more in common with. You get so much more than the fabulous content…my wife and I got more questions answered and more time with the professional Staff than I would have believed possible.”

The Course provides straightforward teaching, a complete self-assessment of our child, leading to a plan of action when we get home.”

Father from South Africa

Expectations, Support, Hope

“This Course exceeded my expectation. I was overwhelmed with the right information.

One of the best things about the Course is the great many instructional handouts to help us remember and carry out the program.

Thank you to The Institutes for giving parents all over the world HOPE and SUCCESS for their children.”

Mother from Oregon


A Long Journey

“All the research I have done over the past many years pales in comparison to the information I received at The Institutes.

The best thing about the Course besides the incredible information, it would have to be the STAFF!

The journey to The Institutes is priceless.”

Adoptive grandparent, and retired nurse from Tennessee

Principles, Practice and Tools

“I advise other parents to focus on getting here quickly and do whatever it takes to learn from the books, too. Know that this is the best decision you will make for your child.

In this Course, parents are taught the principles and the practice effectively so we can do it ourselves. We are sent home with the tools.”

Mother from Texas



“The Course is so unique, the closest place to heaven on earth for Mothers like me.

I came with a very strong feeling that it was going to be the best decision of our lives and it has been.

For the first time since my daughter was born, I am understood and full of hope.”

Mother from Montana

A New Future

“Now I am not only confident that my daughter has a future, but I can start planning for her future.”

Father from Virginia


“The Course was far and beyond what I was expecting, outstanding!

The wisdom of the Staff, all the experience they share, and the fellowship with the other parents was amazing.

I feel confident to begin a home treatment program with my child. We had a lot of opportunity to ask questions, and listen to other parents with similar situations. We even met some parents who had already started the program at home.

Mother from Georgia


What it worth it?

“This is a million dollar course, the money it cost is nothing compared to its value.”

Mother from Oklahoma

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25 Things you need to know

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This powerful PDF provides you with the tools needed to really help your brain-injured child. Get Now


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This masterclass is the first step in getting the guidance and support you need. Watch Here

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