ETI Graduate Tells Her Story: Janelle 4/21/2015
IAHP ETI Graduate Janelle

Janelle with her twin sister
“My time in The Evan Thomas Institute had a huge effect on my attention to physical fitness and my performance as an athletic artist. One of the biggest assets I think I gained was the habit of cross-training. As a professional dancer and acrobat, the discipline to cross-train is invaluable for many reasons, most important of these being the prevention of injury. At The Institutes, we were exposed to so many different modes of training that the habit of trying new techniques and practices became an ingrained way of life. As a result, I’ve had very little difficulty in performing the extremely varied tasks that have been given me to perform, whether said task involves standing on my toes for hours on end, or swinging from a trapeze bar thirty feet in the air.”
Dancer with La Nouba at Cirque du Soleil

Janelle now