Developmental Delay Success Story: Aissa
Autism Symptoms & How Aissa Overcame Them
Developmental Delay Success Story: As a young child, Aissa had frequent fevers, and often she would faint. She had her first seizure when she was two years of age, and later was put on anti-convulsant medication. She had severe recurring eczema and asthma, and took additional medications, including many courses of antibiotics. Once in school, Aissa struggled to keep up with her peers, and each year fell further behind. Her trouble in school was autism symptoms showing up.
At eleven years of age, Aissa was struggling to read and write. She was easily distracted, and could not follow directions. She ran slowly, and could not ride a bike or swim. She found it difficult to express herself, and although friendly, could not make friends.
Then, a family friend, who had achieved success with his own son two decades earlier recommended The Institutes to her parents.
Aissa’s parents attended the What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child course, and Aissa embarked upon the Intensive Treatment Program.
Aissa Shows How Autism Symptoms Didn’t Keep Her Down
Today, Aissa is no longer on medications of any kind, and has been healthy for more than three years. She can run 5 kilometers non-stop, and she enjoys gymnastics and swimming. She loves to read, both fiction and non-fiction, and reads books at her age level daily. She likes writing stories, poems, and essays, and is working on a cookbook with healthy recipes. She is making up for lost time in the school work she missed, and is preparing to enter high school. She has a beautiful singing voice, recently she sang for her father on his birthday before an audience of 200 guests.
Aissa is working to complete her junior high school studies, while maintaining a healthy diet and a daily running and gymnastics program. All of her previous autism symptoms are gone!
The Staff of The Institutes is looking forward to Aissa’s graduation in the coming year.
Learn more about The What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course