A Blessing in My Life
I am forever grateful to the most amazing and impactful education experience of my life. The completion of the How To Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence Course is absolutely more meaningful and useful to me than completing my BA and MBA at Pepperdine University. The course is daily benefiting me and my daughter profoundly. I’m confident that I’ve gone through the best professional parent education on the planet!
When I first attended the course, I had been teaching my daughter, Isabella, words, Bits of Intelligence and numbers. When she was almost 15 months and increasingly becoming a very busy toddler, I saw that she was more interested in moving around than sitting to see the information. Some days I could barely show her one word, a bit or number and other days I could get through ten. After the course, I slightly revised how I was teaching her and stuck with the curriculum with confidence. I continued to flow with the process.
She is now 22 months and for the past 5 months, she has been an active participant. I ask her: “Do you want to see some words?” She responds by making her affirming sound for yes and sits down on her stool as I quickly grab some words. When we do the bits, I have her choose from three options and she loves learning her preferences and interests. We have started additions and it is going very well. Also, after we finished doing the Composer Bits, I began a music appreciation program. Fortunately, I kept audios and text from college music appreciation class.
Since practically all the composers included in the audios are also included in the Bits, I show her the composer’s picture, say his name and play the musical composition. She is very receptive to this method and it is clear that she loves the music and appreciates an association with the composer.
I choose to have no TV in the house and there is no need or no time for it. We are having fun during our sessions and it feels as though we have enhanced communication and trust as she looks to me for sharing useful information with her. More often when we are out, she says what she observes such as “he’s sleeping.” Or when she is looking through a picture book and recognizes objects, she says “heart” or “cheetah”.
As she speaks the words, she smiles at me with precious and priceless confidence. In awe of her, I joyfully smile back and say:” Yes. That’s right.” Or just as joyfully I provide the correct pronunciations and she happily repeats.
Staying open and creative in our sessions has provided great experiences in my daily parenting journey. This program reminds me every day that I’m her model. She mirrors and picks up on my joy or stress as well as my strong knowing of her brilliance and wonderful ability to learn. I’ve seen parents call their children’s names over and over again or tell them to do something over and over again.
Now that I really understand the brilliance and will of a baby; I know she hears me the first time and repeating myself would be an insult to her and me. So, if she doesn’t respond, my words and energy will result in me being ignored. I feel very blessed and grateful to have such evolving and priceless learning experiences with my daughter.
I am definitely raising my daughter differently than how I was raised. I deeply value all the tools I have learned from the How To Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence Course, which is the most fun, effective and gratifying way of truly relating to my baby. The bond of love my daughter and I share has definitely deepened through trust, respect, communication and confidence via The Institutes’ teaching methods.
By Angela O. from California