The 63rd Annual World Organization for Human Potential May 9-11, 2018

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Spring finally arrived on The Institutes campus. The vibrant trees and flowers erupted in bloom in anticipation of the 63rd Annual World Organization for Human Potential, held May 9-11, 2018. The speakers varied from scientists, to musicians, to chiropractic specialists.


Dr. Leland Green and Dr. Dimancescu open the 63rd annual meeting.

On Wednesday, May 9, Dr. Leland Green, president of The World Organization for Human Potential, gave the keynote address. Dr. Mihai Dimancescu, president of The International Academy for Child Brain Development, presented an overview of the week to come.


Dr. Mihai Dimancescu presents a retrospective on Dr. Temple Fay’s pioneering work in medical hypothermia.


The Institutes Medical Director, Dr. Denise Malkowicz, speaks about the current use of hypothermia in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in infants.

The Institutes Medical Director, Dr. Denise Malkowicz, spoke about hypothermia and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in infants. In preparation for this talk, Dr. Dimancescu presented a retrospective on Temple Fay and his discovery and development of hypothermia and its importance in modern medicine. Dr. Richard Rosenbloom reported on the progress in developing a non-dairy formula for children at risk. He later teamed with Dr. Shirish Damle to discuss the use of the Mitoswab test on mitochondrial dysfunction in brain-injured children.


The Institutes Medical Director, Dr. Denise Malkowicz, speaks about the current use of hypothermia in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in infants.

The young gymnasts of The Evan Thomas Institute put their best feet forward and provided a taste of physical excellence. Victoria, a graduate of the program, presented a solo gymnastics routine, which the other students premiered their new group routing.


Alex, also a graduate of the program, delivers an original lecture on his love of music.

Alex, an engaging pianist, presented a lecture on his love of music to the members of the World Organization. He demonstrated an amazing repertoire of classical works on the piano.


The International School Players present “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Here, Titania falls in love with Bottom (played by Alex), who has a donkey’s head, thanks to Puck’s mischief.

On Thursday, May 10, The International School Players provided a wake-up call for the cortex by presenting a school favorite, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” International School graduates and homeschoolers from the area joined the youngest players, who were 5 years old.


Dr. Shirish Damle and Dr. Richard Rosenbloom explain the use of the Mitoswab in managing mitochondrial function in brain-injured children.

Thursday afternoon was devoted to a better understanding of the mitochondrial problems that beset brain-injured children. Dr. Richard Rosenbloom brought us up to date on his tracking of mitochondrial deficiency in the first group of our children who are part of this study. We welcomed Dr. Shirish Damle, who spoke in depth about mitochondrial issues and the use of the Mitoswab to diagnose those issues. Dr. Rosenbloom concluded with his proposed management of mitochondrial dysfunction via a “Mitochondrial Cocktail.”


Dr. Edward Quadros speaks about the importance of folate in brain development and function.


Dr. Sri Ganeshan explains the brain-gut connectivity.

On Friday, May 11, we welcomed three new speakers to The World Organization: Gastroenterologist Dr. Sri Ganeshan, a researcher in the Microbiome; Dr. Edward Quadros, the developer of the Folate test we are using; and chiropractor Dr. Tedd Koren, who created the successful Koren Treatment Protocol that is taught all over the world and who founded Koren Publications, a worldwide distributor of books and materials for health care professionals.


Dr. Tedd Koren describes his journey to develop the Koren Specific Technique, before providing a hands-on demonstration.

Dr. Ganeshan began the day talking about the brain-gut connection, and Dr. Quadros spoke about the Folate Receptor Antibody Test that he created. Dr. Koren described his healing protocol used to locate and correct blockage, distortion, subluxation, and stagnation, and continued with a practical demonstration of the Koren Specific Technique.


Janet Doman describes the results achieved in detoxifying brain-injured children from anticonvulsants and other drugs.

The Institutes Director, Janet Doman, concluded with The Institutes Results with Brain-Injured Children. She itemized each Victory achieved using The Institutes Developmental Profile and followed with specific success stories of children who had received a wide range of diagnoses before coming to The Institutes. This was the staff’s opportunity to teach visiting lecturers and guests about the potential for and Victories achieved by brain-injured children.


Dr. Sri Ganeshan is honored with the Leonardo daVinci Award.

The week concluded with awards presented to staff and professional guests, followed by the 63rd annual formal dinner.

Throughout the three days of presentations, there was ample time for discussion and debate. Our members are characterized by a wide variety of backgrounds and disciplines. As happens each May, this was a rare chance once a year to listen, to learn, and to discover new possibilities to help our children.

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