Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) Success Story: Yuuki 9/26/2014

Yuuki with Brother

Yuuki was diagnosed with [Trisomy 21](Down Syndrome) as an infant, and as her mother wrote, “Since then we began searching for the best solution we could find to help her develop fully.”

Her mother read the book How To Teach Your Baby To Read, and began to show big red reading words to her baby. As a result, she felt that her little girl’s vision and hearing developed very well.

When Yuuki was two years old and not yet walking, her mother traveled to Philadelphia to attend the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course.

She then attended the Lecture Series Program every six months and received certification in Child Brain Development after completing the series.

Yuuki’s mother taught her hundreds of reading words, sentences, and homemade books, in two languages. At eight years of age, Yuuki was reading storybooks for pleasure at the fifth-grade level, well ahead of other kids her age. She was physically fit, and could run 500 meters nonstop.

However, her speech was not clear, and her writing was below her age level. Her general health was not good enough.

Her mother embarked on The Institute’s Intensive Treatment Program and she and her daughter worked hard to improve Yuuki’s health, along with her intellectual and physical abilities.

By eleven years of age, Yuuki had not had a single illness for over two years. She was reading fiction and non-fiction above her age level, was enjoying writing essays, and was playing the violin and piano. She was a gymnast, and could run 3 kilometers nonstop.

After passing the entrance exams for junior high school, she began school with her peers.

Last September, Yuuki traveled to the United States to participate in the celebration of Glenn Doman’s life. There she sang a beautiful song for the hundreds of people in the audience.

Yuuki is now in her second year of junior high school, and doing great, including having perfect attendance due to her excellent health.Congratulations to Yuuki, and to her dedicated mother, who was determined that her daughter had the stimulation and the opportunity to really achieve her full potential.

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