The What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child Course: February 2024

“This is our final stop for our

Our Parents Have Their Say


What was the best thing about the course?

“The long history of The Institutes with successful results.”

Mother & Physician, Florida


“Besides clearly presented information, this course felt safe and accepting. I don’t even want it to end because I am afraid that I will miss it. I never felt more understood before when it comes to my child’s needs and what we as his parents have gone through. Everything I thought, felt, and experienced, people from The Institutes were already familiar with. I felt like they were talking directly to me and about my experience.”

Mother, Georgia


“The people that teach. They are a group with unparalleled experience in treating hurt children.”

Mother & Physician, Colombia


“The Staff. I have felt alone on an island regarding my opinion of traditional white coats – as a practicing nurse I often question how I can stay in this profession when I see so many things in antithesis to my core beliefs? The Staff made me laugh, cry and exclaim in comradery as I began to realize more and more that they were my people. AND they finally were able to give me answers and a guideline to actually help my son. Instead of drugging him, or saying that his behavior is because he was born a sinner, and I was failing at disciplining him enough, this course has changed my life, and the life of my son, and the life of his children, and down the line for generations, I am sure.”

Mother, Missouri


“The entire course is very comprehensive, and the best part is being able to do it from home in just 7 days, which may seem like a long time at first, but considering the amount of information, it is a very well-organized course.”

Mother, Ecuador


“The treatment programs that we can create for ourselves and follow. Parents become teachers. We can pull our child from Special Education with the goal of joining the mainstream in the future.”

Father, Texas


 “To learn of the long experience of The Institutes was a very good opportunity. I commend you for the work you do. It is a great task not many are willing to do. Your experience has many things to teach to our rehabilitation systems.”

Father & Physician, Colombia


“I appreciated the teachers being informative, inspirational, and educational. I feel like the Staff are my friends.”

Father, Illinois


“The amount of support we got while going through the course, and the fact that we will keep getting that support after the course is done which makes us feel a lot more safe and optimistic about doing the program.”

Father, Serbia


“The clear explanation of what we should do to help our child.”

Mother, Serbia


“I feel the Director and Staff have put all their heart, soul, and dedication toward The Institutes. I finally feel we are not alone in this journey. I strongly believe this is our FINAL stop for our daughter’s well-being. God Bless The Institutes, Glenn Doman and Janet Doman for your encouraging words, “we are not going to give up” as WE are NOT going to ever give up on our child.”

Father, California


How will this change what you do for your child?

“Our daughter is our everything, she is our breath of life. We are going to do everything we can in our power to give her the quality of life she so much deserves.”

Father, California


“I will be able to have a customized program at home tailored to my child’s needs.”

Mother, Ecuador

“Now we know The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, they have welcomed us and accepted us as part of their family. We will never be alone, and we will never give up.”

Mother, California


“First, I will have joy. It is a profound joy to be the mother of a child that requires patience and diligence. To finally see the world through my son’s eyes is a blessing. Second, I will no longer see him as stuck, my son is capable when given the right sensory input and the right opportunity.”

Mother, Missouri


“We will change from institution-oriented therapies to this parent-oriented one.”

Father & Physician, Colombia


 “Once implemented and completed correctly, this will make my child healthier and more successful in everyday life.” 

Mother, Georgia


“I will start a balanced program with the whole family on board.”

Mother, California


“Life will change drastically for the better. Starting from nutrition, the home environment, and adding daily stimulation to the sensory pathways for motor output and enhancing the intellect.”

Father, Serbia


“I will do the program for my child at home and stop torturing him by taking him to different specialists because now I know what is happening with my son and most importantly, I know how to help him.”

Mother, Serbia


“Persevere through challenges and remember the end goal.”

Father, Florida


“By attending this course, it will change the whole of my child’s future. All I have wanted is to have my son live an independent life after I am gone…I believe God who led me to The Institutes will also give me all the strength and courage to lead this war.”

Mother, Kentucky


Was it worth the time, effort, and cost?

“100% worth it, we have spent much more time, effort and money on things that did not help our son.  Thank you all for your hard work and knowledge that you are sharing with us.”

Mother, Serbia


“Absolutely. We are looking forward to more Lecture Series and going to The Institutes.”

Father, California


“100000000%!!!!! However, many zeroes to get to a trillion to represent all those brain cells! So thankful for the Staff. I’ve been a single mom my son’s whole life…to be alone in how I see him, even with my siblings and mother…has been one of the most difficult things to endure. On top of being a single mom to a brain-injured child…to be so alone in seeing what the world and white coats say about him can’t possibly be true, or to feel as though I am making it worse because I’m single and ‘only the mother.” Well…the Staff have given me so much more than a course or a program, you’ve given me a family and a community that sees my son how I see him. And you’ve renewed my own belief in him. You will forever have my gratitude and I can’t wait for my son and I to come see all of you!”

Mother, Missouri


“There is no price, effort and time that is not worth my child’s well-being. If I had it to do over again, I would have joined the first course that came up and figured out everything else that surrounds my job and duties on the go. Thank you for everything you do for all the families and children.”

Father, Serbia


“Absolutely worth it. It’s a miracle because English is not my first language, but I absorbed most of everything. And also, I believe God was guiding me.”

Mother, California


Was the course what you expected?

“It was much more than what I was expecting. It was thorough, substantial, and very detailed. The Staff explained everything so well and we are very thankful for it.”

Father, Texas


“This course was more than I expected, I learned a lot of valuable information. Even though I read the books, English is my second language, and I needed the visual and verbal presentation to get a better picture and to understood everything fully.”

Mother, Georgia


“Yes, and more. More detailed but also easy to understand and make it work in our family.”

Mother, California


 “No. Much, much, much more and much, much, much better.”

Father, Illinois


“Even better than I was expecting.”

Mother, Serbia


“The course was much more than I expected, and it was worth every minute of our time. This is only the beginning. I believe what comes next will be even more.”

Father, California

Your advice to a parent considering taking the course?

“Do not hesitate on doing it. Every day you lose in thinking about it is precious for your child’s better tomorrow.”

Father, Serbia


“Clear your schedule.”

Father, California


Take it the sooner the better. Don’t waste your time sending your child to someone else to help your child without LOVE like we did. I wish I had found The Institutes earlier, way earlier, six years ago.”

Mother, California


“As soon as you learn about the course, take it, and do it as a couple. There is a lot of information that is better heard firsthand. Seven days may seem like a lot, but it is truly little compared to the amount of valuable information received.”

Mother, Ecuador


“Be prepared, your biggest questions will finally be answered!”

Mother, Serbia


“Take it!!!”

Mother & Physician, Texas


“When I decided to take his course, I said to myself, I have nothing to lose, if anything, I will learn something, and something I learned! Knowledge is power, and if one 10th of what you learn helps your child, it’s worth it.”

Mother, Georgia


“Be open-minded to a new way of thinking about your child.”

Mother, California


“Do it. Just stinking do it. Even if you don’t do anything program-wise, your view of your child will have changed forever. The respect you will have for them, the way you will begin to speak to them about choice and acknowledgement that they understand more than they can express will change everything about how you live. I’m so excited to start doing even a tiny bit of the program. Do I have some anxiety about being able to get everything done, yes. But I’ll do what I can do consistently, and then, and only then, add more to the plate.”

Mother, Missouri


“Make a list of all the ‘traditional medical solutions’ (doctors, family, internet) and write them out on a piece of paper. Then throw that knowledge into the trash.”

Father, Florida


“Take it! Your life and your kid’s life will change for good. It is for the whole family!”

Father, Texas


“You should be positive and just give it a try with an open mind. The course will do the rest.”

Mother, Kentucky


“Just do it without any hesitation. If you live and breathe just like we do for our daughter, this is a no brainer, otherwise, the adult ourselves are the ones with the injured brain.”

Father, California

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What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child Course

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15 April 2024

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