Hurt Kids Success Story: Blanca 03/27/2014

The Institutes would like to share the story of one of our children who we just saw again last week. Her name is Blanca.

Blanca was born in Spain in August 2008. The umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck twice. At only eight hours of age she began to have seizures and was immediately placed on Phenobarbitol and Valium. At 18 months of age, Blanca was functionally blind, deaf, and immobile.

She had a neurological age of 2 months.

She began a full neurological program after her parents took the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course in Spain. Since starting our program Blanca has reached these milestones:

  • She is now able to see.
  • She is now able to hear and understand words.
  • She has begun to crawl.
  • She has begun to creep.
  • She has begun to walk.
  • She is now off of all anti-epileptic drugs.
  • She is no longer having seizures.

Now at 5 years of age, Blanca can read books at a 4th grade level. In fact, this is her favorite thing to do. She can walk for over 30 minutes non-stop and is working on running. Her language has blossomed. She has over 2000 words and speaks in sentences. She has not been sick in over 1 year. Blanca and her family are doing a great job!

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