Caelum Tells His Story 6/19/2015
Brain Injury — Intensive Treatment Program
We have the privilege of featuring the story of Caelum. Caelum has done the Intensive Treatment Program at The Institutes. After many years of hard work and dedication, Caelum has reached levels that were never though possible. Caelum is not just smart, he is brilliant! This week, the staff asked Caelum to write his own post for the Facebook page. Here’s his story in his own words:
“I am Caelum and I am 9 years old, almost 10. I have been on the program at the Institutes for almost 8 years. When I first began the program, I was unable to do anything. I sustained an accident at the age of 17 months that left me totally without any function. I was constantly fighting to survive! Not only was I blind, but totally paralyzed, unable to speak, eat, drink, or feel any physical sensations! I came to the Institutes approximately 9 months after my accident. I began the Brain Injury – Intensive Treatment Program with my family.
Within the first 3 months, I began to see, to hear and start to learn how to move. Meaning that my program was helping to provide hundreds of opportunities for my brain to begin to forge new pathways for functions I had previously lost. Arduous? Yes. Worth every moment? Yes.
The Brain Injury — Intensive Treatment Program Works
My family and the Institutes have changed my future forever! I am now able to access information at an outstanding rate, comprehending subjects far above my typical aged peers. I eat normally, I see, I hear and for the first time in my renewed life, I defy gravity to creep independently to go wherever I like, only now as a precursor to my ability to walk. The program has not only changed my life but that of my entire family. It has brought us closer together, provided creative expressions of talent in my older siblings (of which there are 5!), with each member of the family staying true to the big picture for me! Without Glenn Doman, I would likely be so hurt still, with little to no hope of becoming well or excellent.”