How To Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence

Increase Your Child’s Intelligence With Home Course for Parents


Our home course to increase your child’s intelligence is derived from the beloved course of the same name that has been inspiring parents from all over the world since 1978. Thousands of parents have graduated from this course and returned home to create a new world for their children and themselves.

The principle lecturer in the Home Course is Glenn Doman, the author of The Gentle Revolution Series of books for parents. Glenn teaches about the principles of child brain development and the philosophy of teaching joyously. Co-authors Janet Doman and Susan Aisen, introduce the teaching principles and the basics of how to design and carry out an effective home program. The mothers and children of The Institutes provide demonstrations of each step along the way.

About the Course

The course begins with an introduction during which Glenn takes the student on a walking tour of The Institutes as he discusses the potential of the tiny child and the astounding capacity of the child to learn. Come to The Institutes to learn how to increase your child’s intelligence.


The Reading Program sets the stage for the entire course because it is fundamental to everything The Institutes teaches. During this presentation parents learn why reading is so important for the baby, what a first session should look like, how to create materials, and how to design an effective and happy program. Our mothers and children demonstrate how easy it is to increase your child’s intelligence.


The Encyclopedic Knowledge Program is the next step. This program teaches mother and father how to teach anything and everything in an honest, factual, and joyous way. We learn the significance of genetics and environment, and we gain a healthy respect for the greatest CPU on earth – the human brain – and how to use 30 seconds of your child’s time to multiply your child’s intelligence.


The Mathematics Program is actually the easiest step of all for the baby. The importance of first providing the baby with the fact of pure quantity rather than the symbol is the basis for this program, which the baby absorbs like a sponge. This early recognition of quantity sets the stage for a real understanding of arithmetic and higher math in the future.


The Physical Program provides the foundation for all the intellectual programs and for physiological well-being. This program is about the fundamental physical stages of neurological growth and development. Many parents take our course to expand and enrich their baby’s intellectual growth, but they discover that the physical program is what their child really needs to achieve that goal.

About the Teachers


GLENN DOMAN founded The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia in 1955. By the early sixties, the world-renowned work of The Institutes with brain-injured children had led to vital discoveries about the growth and development of well children. For a half-century Glenn Doman and the child brain developmentalists of The Institutes have demonstrated that very young children are far more capable of learning than we ever imagined. He took this remarkable work—which explores why children from birth to age six learn better and faster than older children do—and gave it practical application. Glenn is the international best-selling author of the Gentle Revolution Series, which provides a comprehensive early development program that any parent can follow.


JANET DOMAN has been the director of The Institutes since 1980, and is co-author of many books in the Gentle Revolution Series. As the daughter of Glenn Doman, she grew up on the campus of The Institutes. After completing studies in zoology and physical anthropology, she devoted herself to the work with brain-injured children. She spent two years in Japan where she created programs for mothers and babies at The Early Development Association in Tokyo. In 1975 she became the director of The Evan Thomas Institute, the first of The Institutes devoted to teaching mothers of well children how to develop their tiny children intellectually, physically, and socially. Janet spends most of her day teaching the parents of hurt and well children and helping them to discover the vast potential of their babies and their own potential as teachers.


SUSAN AISEN is the director for Intellectual Excellence at The Institutes and a principal lecturer in the How To Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence Course and the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course. She helped to create the Evan Thomas Institute for Early Development. Susan also served as Glenn’s lecture assistant for many years. She is a co-author of the book _How To Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge _and How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence.

An Invitation

After reading at least one book in the Gentle Revolution Series, or having completed the “How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence” DVD home course parents are invited to join our Off Campus Program. This is an on-line community for parents. Parents are able to interact with the staff and other parents who are also teaching their children at home. You can post questions, and receive tips and recommendations directly from The Institutes.

Parents are invited to go to:

Click here to Order Your Own Home Course for Parents


Do not hesitate to call or email our HTM registrar

Telephone: 215-233-2050 (ext. 2598)


This course will soon be available in Spanish** **

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