Dx Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum and Developmental Delay: Jaden Success Story

Mother Tells the Story of Jaden’s Pathway to Wellness


Jaden had a natural birth at 37 weeks. He appeared normal, and was very quiet as a baby. With our other two older kids, we were busy juggling between home and work, and we didn’t pay much attention to his physical growth and development, assuming time would do its job. It was not until his new pediatrician noticed that he could not roll over or reach for an object in front of him, that he was extensively evaluated by the paediatric neurology team. Initial assessment revealed a Partial Agenesis of Corpus Callosum. At the age of 10 months, Jaden was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay with central hypotonia. It was devastating when the neurologist told us that there was nothing they could do to improve his condition.

A reliable treatment program with proven records

Nevertheless, Jaden started his once-a-week physiotherapy and occupational therapy as recommended for about one year, with slight improvement. Meanwhile, we continue to research for alternative treatments. We finally found The Institutes in May 2015, through a four-year-old named Adele Choy, the sister of a child on The Institutes program.

A Story of Hope and Love in Malaysia Baking for Love: A Brainy Idea

The many success stories on The Institutes’ website showed that they had a reliable treatment program with proven records.

The results were remarkable.

We immediately signed up for the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child (WTD) course presented in Singapore that same year in July. Jaden was 20 months old then, he still lacked mobility, speech and was prone to the flu. He was sick three weeks out of every month.

During the WTD course, we learned that the brain grows by use. When the brain is provided with appropriate stimulation and opportunity, symptoms start to lessen or even disappear. Our initial functional diagnosis was a Severe, Diffuse, Bilateral, Cortical and Midbrain Injury, Jaden’s chronological age was 20.4 months, but his neurological age was only 10 months. We immediately applied the methods we learned in the course once they were back in Malaysia.

The results were remarkable.

The new diet enhanced his health tremendously. He went from three weeks of sickness a month to only one week of illness in a month. His health was getting better all the time.

Better hearing, tactility, awareness, and mobility

We also carried out an auditory for months, until there was no more delay in his hearing.  We did a tactile program and he overcame his sensitivity towards sand, grass, leaves and furry items. He was getting more alert to the things in his surroundings. In three months he started to crawl, in five months he was cruising and in six months he started creeping!


We were excited and attended Lecture Series II and III in the following two years. With the lecture notes and four reference books titled “How To Teach Your Baby To Read”, “Fit Baby, Smart Baby, Your Baby!”, “How To Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge” and How To Teach Your Baby Math”, Jaden continued to progress happily.

Intellectual progress in all areas – reading, general knowledge and math

Besides his mobility program, from the time he was 26 months old we were teaching him to read words, showing him Bits of Intelligence, and doing Math with him. He has seen about 2,400 bits and thousands of math equations. As for his reading – he loves books. His all-time favourites are the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series.



In Social Growth – his older brother and sister lead the way

We always had two very good helpers – Jaden’s elder sister and brother. He loves them, and they are his first best friends in his life. Because of that, he mimics their words and movements. They help in demonstrating movements like clambering, log rolling, the forward roll and vertical climbing. Jaden’s Mobility Program becomes easier when they are around. Their cheers encourage him to speak more. He learns to role play from them too. He has elevated himself from the roles of “baby” or “patient” lying flat on the bed, to a “student” or “waiter” who helps to serve customers. With them, he starts to get out of his own world.


With guidance from The Institutes, and supportive friends and family, plus his own hard work and cooperation, we are overjoyed with Jaden’s progression.

Jaden’s Overall Progress


• From identifying “M” as “McDonald” to reading easily above his age level.
• From understanding “eat” and “milk” to following 1 and 2 steps instructions consistently and easily comprehending reading books above his age level.
• From immobility to crawling, creeping, walking, and starting to run.
• From two words of speech “mum-mum” (eat) and “nen-nen” (milk) to speaking about 50 words.
• His vision, auditory and tactile are almost perfect!
• His health has improved significantly.

Learn More About the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course.


Echoing what Janet Doman said in her letter, “It is true that there is no certainty in life but there is opportunity.” We are grateful that we found The Institutes which gives our son so many opportunities to grow well.

Thank you for being there for families like us.

Watch a charming video of Jaden’s Pathway to Wellness

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