Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Brain Injury

Alikhan: Charming, intelligent, and pretty much unstoppable



Alikhan was born 12 weeks premature after a long and difficult labor. Parents learned in the intensive care unit that Alikhan had suffered a Grade III intraventricular hemorrhage. Oxygen was administered, and he was incubated, medicated, and monitored. He had seizures shortly after birth and was started on anticonvulsant medications. Parents were told that Alikhan had a brain injury and that they could not give a prognosis.

When Alikhan was nearly 3 years old, he walked poorly, could not jump or run like other kids, and had only a few words of speech.

As Alikhan began to walk, he did so poorly due to rigidity on the right side of his body. His speech was very delayed compared to other children. When parents first learned about The Institutes, Alikhan was nearly 3 years old. He walked poorly, could not jump, and could not run like other kids his age. He had only a few words of speech, while his peers could speak in full sentences. He had minimal fine motor skills in his right hand.


Alikhan could walk, but rigidity on his right side made his walking awkward and difficult.

Parents attended the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course and immediately brought Alikhan for an appointment, as they wanted to get started as soon as possible.

His parents wasted no time. They worked hard to improve his walking and get him running. Alikhan walked every day in a variety of environments. His parents began an excellent nutrition program to make sure he was given the best foods possible. They eliminated dairy products and foods containing gluten and did not add sugar or salt to his food. They started a program to teach him how to read as quickly as possible.


Hanging improved Alikhan’s manual ability

As function on the right side of Alikhan’s body improved, so did his walking. He also became more skilled in the use of his right hand. When Alikhan walked, his right heel never touched the ground due to rigidity in his ankle. To improve the quality of his walking, the staff of The Institutes added walking under the Overhead Ladder to his home program. His walking began to improve in quality, which was essential to get him running.

Alikhan began to run and he went from saying only a few words to saying nearly 2,000 words.


Alikhan walks under the Overhead Ladder.

Alikhan began to run. First, he could only run short distances, but his stamina and speed improved. He greatly enjoyed his new ability, and could run for hundreds of meters without stopping.

Alikhan running

As Alikhan’s respiration improved, so did his language. He went from saying only a few words to saying nearly 2,000 words. Eventually he began to speak in sentences. Alikhan can express his thoughts and needs and is much happier and content.

Alikhan works hard to do his program every day. He is kind and mature. He has over 40 different responsibilities and chores that he does to help his family. Alikhan loves to help. His parents respect his intelligence, and he knows he is an appreciated member of his household.


Clothes make the man. Alikhan, always elegant, demonstrates his maturity and intelligence.

Alikhan’s manual ability in his right hand has also come a long way. Now he can use his hands for many bimanual skills, like unscrewing and screwing on a bottle cap, and pouring. He can pick up the tiniest of objects with his index finger and thumb.

Even though he is not yet eight years old, he reads books at a young adult level.

Alikhan is a great reader. Even though he is not yet eight years old, he reads books at a young adult level. His general knowledge is also above his age level, thanks to the rich intellectual program his parents have provided.


Alikhan reading one of his many sophisticated books

Alikhan would not have been successful without the help and hard work of his parents, who worked tirelessly to help him.


Alikhan enjoys time with Mom, Dad, and older brother.

Alikhan is a gentle warrior who has come a long way – and he is still not done. Day by day, he is running his own race and creating his own path to wellness.

Soldier on, Alikan – we have your back.


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