
Almost every parent who comes through our doors has been given a bad prognosis. “Your child will never see or hear, crawl or creep, walk or run, understand or talk, read or write. Your child will be on medication for the rest of her life. Your child may live with chronic illness.”

Really? Here are 12 children who did not know they could not get better!


Samuel is 4 years old and from Ontario, Canada. He was born by emergency c-section due to fetal distress and had no heart beat and was not breathing at birth. Samuel was diagnosed with microcephaly and cerebral palsy. At his first visit at age 2, he was functionally blind and had only outline perception. Today, at four years of age, Samuel can see, and he has begun to read in both English and Spanish.


Avery is three years old, and from Maryland, USA. At nine months of age, she was diagnosed with periventricular leukomalacia. At her first evaluation, at two years of age, she was deaf she only had a startle reflex. A year later she is hearing and understanding words and phrases and making choices about what she needs and wants.


Otto is 36 months old and from Brazil. He was born prematurely and diagnosed with West Syndrome and spasticity. When he began on the program at two years of age, he could only roll over he could not move forward. Nine months after starting the program, he could crawl 60 meters in a day and 4 meters nonstop in 2 minutes.


Raphael is 24 months old and from Zurich, Switzerland. He was in respiratory distress at birth and was intubated to survive. He had many congenital abnormalities including of his heart and kidney. When he started on the program at nine months of age he could not move. Within twelve months, Raphael   began crawling and then creeping on his hands and knees for transport, and now he is walking both indoors and outdoors.


Anwar is 7 years and 9 months old and is from Amman, Jordan. He was born prematurely by emergency c-section and diagnosed with hypertonia and global developmental delay.  At his initial visit at age 16 months, he could move his arms and legs but could not move forward. Today, Anwar walks a kilometer in 25 minutes.


Mathias is five years old and is from Risaralda, Colombia. He was diagnosed as autistic at two years of age. At his initial visit 2 years later he could not run more more than 15 meters nonstop. A little less than a year later he could run 100 meters nonstop.


Clay is three years old, and from North Carolina, USA. He was diagnosed with a genetic abnormality in infancy, and at age one, he had poor hearing, a delayed startle reflex and an inconsistent response to loud threatening sounds. Today, at age 3, Clay is equal to his age level or even above in understanding, he is understanding the schoolwork of his 7-year-old broether!


Jake is two years old, and from Quebec, Canada. He was born prematurely via emergency c-section with both heart and breathing problems. He was diagnosed with Trisomy 21 and needed continuous supplemental oxygen to survive.  At his first evaluation at 8 months of age, he had a poor light reflex and could only see a short distance. Today, at two years of age, Jake can see well and has begun reading words and sentences, he especially loves his books!


Pablo is nine years old and is from Nicaragua. At 18 months of age, he was diagnosed as hyperactive and autistic.  From reading the book What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child and attending the course, parents worked with Pablo at home. At this first evaluation, at eight years of age, he could use his hands at a 3-year-old level. One year later, Pablo is writing and typing sentences to express himself.


Emma is three years old and from Nicaragua. At birth, she was diagnosed with Trisomy 21. Before Emma’s second birthday she was saying her first words, and before her third birthday, she talked all day and used hundreds of words and phrases, in two languages, Spanish and English.


Agnira is six years old, and from Vermont, USA. She was postmature and had to be resuscitated shortly after birth. She was diagnosed with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and had extensive brain injury. At Agnira’s first evaluation at age 3, she had feeding problems – poor sucking and chewing, and she was prone to viral and bacterial infections. This past year Agnira has had perfect health, no illness whatsoever for twelve months.


Regina is five years old and is from Ohio, USA. She was diagnosed as microcephalic and epileptic. At her initial evaluation at age 3, she had been taking Depakene for 12 months. Today she is taking no medication and has not had a seizure for two years.

Derion is 11 years old and is from Alaska, USA. He was diagnosed with attention deficiency disorder and hyperactivity. At his initial evaluation, at age 9 he had been taking Focalin for three years. Today, medication-free, Derion is significantly improved in reading, writing, speech, and personal responsibility.

In every case the incredible changes in the quality of the lives of these children were brought about by the hard work and dedication of their wonderful families.

No child is hopeless. Parents are the answer.

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