Hurt Kids Success Story: Kira 6/18/2014
Hurt Kids Success Story Kira
Kira was born with a congenital malformation of her nose. She was not breathing or sucking by herself. She had two surgeries on her nose, the first 16 days after birth and the second just after her first birthday.
Before starting The Institutes’ program at home, Kira was not yet able to crawl or creep. When the staff saw Kira for the first time, she had just turned two years old and was creeping about 300 meters a day.
Now Kira is 2 years 6 months old, and has begun to walk independently. She is able to walk 1.6 km a day and has achieved a walking victory at this time. She also has manual ability at the three-year-old level; she can use both her hands together to open and close a jar and pour liquid.
Our online course for parents features 30 lectures about mobility. Get your child started on The Pathway To Wellness. Click to learn more: