Giving Thanks

At The Institutes every day is Thanksgiving.

We are thankful for the blind kids who can now see (and read often above their peers), the deaf kids who can now hear (and understand yes often better than other kids their age).

We are thankful for the paralyzed kids who can now crawl when everyone said they never would.


We are thankful for each, and every child, who could not creep, walk or run who can now do so.

We are thankful for the speechless kids who can now talk (and drive us all crazy when they never stop talking).

We are thankful for the kids who can now write and who thrill us with their poetry, their essays and, yes, their pointed critiques!


We are especially thankful for the kids who were in and out of the hospital who are now the healthiest member of their family.

We are thankful for the kids who are now out in the world, in the rough and tumble making their way and proving that they can do anything and be anything they want to be.


We thankful for the mothers and fathers who never believed their kids could not get well who always knew in their heart of hearts that their kids could be better and who rolled up their sleeves and got to work to make it happen.


We are thankful for the brothers and sisters who helped the hurt brother or sister who needed them another word for them – angels.

We are thankful for the grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles who made sure they were part of the team – in our families there is always enough glory for everyone.

We are thankful for the donors from Tony Robbins to every person who stepped up to match his generous challenge

We are thankful to the many old, old friends of The Institutes who have been supporting the work of The Institutes for many decades.

Every day at The Institutes is Thanksgiving, of course it is. How could it not be? We have each other and our wonderful kids – it does not get any better than this.

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