Dx: Hypoxic-ischemic Brain Injury: Mirui’s Success Story

Mirui and Mother prove to be unstoppable


A rough beginning for baby Mirui

This is the story of a little girl whose mother attended our online course and a series of five two- day online lectures our parents can attend. Based on what she learned she designed and carried out a program at home which she did consistently. Here is what happened:

Mirui is from Finland, she was born by emergency c-section and was not breathing at birth. She scored 2 out of 10 on the Apgar scale, it took three minutes for Mirui to breathe spontaneously. She required oxygen for two days for her survival.  She was diagnosed with extreme anemia, and an MRI showed left-sided hypoxic ischemic lesions.

Doctors predict she will spend her life in a wheelchair

Mother writes Mirui’s story: “Our first 7 days were hectic due to survival mode, but then the carpet was completely pulled from underneath us. We were told the worst news anyone can hear, and then sent off from the hospital with parting words: “Try to enjoy the baby time, but bear in mind you will need to remodel your house for a wheelchair.”

Mirui cannot move or see and mother cries for a month

At age 3 months, Mirui was paralyzed on her right side. She could not move, and she could not see. “After a month of crying, my husband told me he cannot help me, I need professional help. I decided I need to put on my big girl pants and do something. If an old man with brain injury can be rehabilitated to walk and talk, surely a brain that is only growing can be manipulated to do that.” They began to put Mirui on her belly on the floor so she could move. Mother began appropriate visual stimulation.

I started to look up the newest research on neuroplasticity and experimental surgeries etc. until I came across a book called What To Do About Your Brain Injured Child. I bought the book, read it, and started with a simple program on the belly, and reading cards and black and white figures. I registered for the What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course at The Institutes, booked flights, and covid-19 prevented everything! Luckily The Institutes ramped up quickly to do an online course! And thank you for that because we are now in amazing shape!”

Mirui loves reading with mother

“Mirui began understanding words and phrases and responds accordingly.  Her right hand became equal to her left, her right side became as strong as her left side and the tightness in her shoulders and arms almost completely disappeared. She could lift her arms above her head when playing games. She started to move for transportation, she could crawl about 2 meters forward. BUT she began lifting herself up. All in all, we could already see HUGE difference and were ready to go all and above to make sure she would be alright.”

Wow Mirui becomes a creeper!

By 9 months of age, Mirui was creeping all over the house on her hands and knees, and she had started saying her first words. She began feeding herself, with both hands equally well.

“My daughter may be brain-injured, but she is already an intellectual!”

Mirui is walking!

By 14 months of age, Mirui understood in three languages; Finnish, English, and Portuguese, and followed three step instructions. She loved learning to read and do math. She was pulling herself up to walk.

Mirui hikes in the forest

A two-kilometer nature walk

Mirui was not yet two years of age when she walked two kilometers a day through the forest over roots and rocks without falling. At that time her doctors said her walking was absolutely symmetrical and correct. Her manual ability was significantly better. She played with Lego, made sandcastles, and started throwing a ball for her dog to fetch. She loved to read the books her mother made for her, as well as books from the library.  Mom found herself saying “We’ll read more later, we have to stop now!”. Miruí is doing extremely well. She has not been sick, ever. She is 20 months old, and very active, curious, and courageous.”

Testing shows that Mirui is 2-3 years ahead of her peers!

Baking takes time and patience

By age 3 ½: “We did have a full day of psychological testing at our university hospital that concluded that Miruí is about two to three years ahead of her age range in terms of language skills and problem-solving skills. She speaks now (non-stop I might add) perfectly in Finnish and Portuguese, and her cheeky English is growing as we speak. It’s wonderful to hear her speak back to me using my own phrases, and standing up for herself, although losing the little battles of brushing teeth and making her bed.”

The chef seems satisfied with her work

“One advice I would give to any parent is that, if there is even a hint of something, do the course! Don’t waste time! It benefits everyone!”

“Practical, noninvasive, and fun!”

Mirui, Age 3 on skates!

“Everything we have done has been practical, noninvasive, and fun! We have connected with our child in a way I guarantee none of my friends or relatives have with their babies!”

Well done to little Mirui and her wonderful mother and father whose common sense told them not to accept a poor prognosis. Instead, they acted immediately to provide the stimulation and opportunity their baby needed to overcome a serious neurological problem.

Now she is not as good as her peers, instead she is intellectually, physically, physiologically excellent. We have never laid eyes on this beautiful child Mother did this all by herself.

When parents know what to do and why to do it, they are unstoppable.

Guess Mirui will not be needing that wheelchair.




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