Celebrating the life of Dr. Raymundo Veras 10/22/2014

Today is Dr. Raymundo Veras Day at The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. Dr. Raymundo Veras, a prominent Brazilian ophthalmologist, first came to The Institutes in 1956 with his young brain-injured son, José Carlos. The young boy had injured his spinal cord in a diving accident and was totally paralyzed. The Veras family brought José Carlos to the most famous rehabilitation center in New York, but no one could help him.

On the eve of the Veras family’s return to Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Veras’s wife, Lourdes, visited St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan. A man overheard her crying and told her to go to Philadelphia. Dr. Veras brought his family to The Institutes and worked as a full-time volunteer for a year. He spent one month in each of The Institutes departments, learning everything he could about neurological organization.

Glenn & Raymundo

When he returned to Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Veras dedicated his life to establishing The Institutes work in Brazil. Through years of hard work José Carlos gained function in the top half of his body. He graduated from medical school and served as medical director and then the director of The Institutes in Rio de Janeiro until his death in 1999.

In the 1960s, Dr. Raymundo Veras accompanied Glenn Doman and The Institutes staff on expeditions around the world to study children. He is well known for his pioneering work with Down syndrome children, who are affectionately called Veras children at The Institutes.

Raymundo Veras Ceremony 1

Raymundo Veras Ceremony 2

Ceremony at Dusk

Raymundo Veras Memorial

Janet Commemorating Raymundo Veras

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