“Developmental Delay” is a symptomatic label not a diagnosis.

The Institutes for the Achievement of human Potential
is internationally known for its pioneering work in child brain development. We are a non-profit organization serving children from over 100 nations. Our goal for every child is to have a fighting chance to be well.

“Developmental Delay” is a symptomatic label not a diagnosis.
It is used to describe a child who may be slow in one area of development or in many areas. Sometimes parents are told to do nothing because the child will grow out of it and catch up. Often parents are told there is nothing that can be done to help the child.

We treat the problem.
Treating symptoms without addressing the brain itself will fail. Treatment for the child who is delayed must be aimed at brain maturation. The answer is to be found in stimulation and opportunity, not the medicine cabinet. This is a more conservative treatment, a safer treatment, a cost-effective treatment, and most important of all a treatment that works.