Cerebral Palsy Success Story: Kira

Cerebral Palsy Success Story

Kira was born 30 days premature and was delivered via emergency C-section, as the doctors saw there was fetal distress.  They had to deliver her as soon as possible. Upon delivery, Kira was cyanotic and could not breathe well and she was put on a ventilator and given medications.  She was also tube fed.  While in the hospital, she had a severe upper respiratory infection that lasted 2 months.

When she was born, doctors diagnosed Kira with Choanal Atresia, a congenital disorder where soft tissue blocks the nasal passage. This made breathing very difficult for Kira, and she required surgery at 16 days of life. Additional surgery was needed at 14 months old, as Kira’s breathing problems persisted.

Parents were told that Kira had Cerebral Palsy, and she was diagnosed as Mentally Retarded. Parents started on a journey to find answers to help Kira’s development.

Kira’s parents were hopeful they could find help for Kira

Mother and father attended the “What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child” course when Kira was just 1 year old.  At that time, Kira could not move forward on the floor.  She could get on her hands and knees, but could not move forward.  She did not have any sounds or words to communicate what she wanted.  After the course, parents began a home treatment program. Using the information they learned in the course, they improved Kira’s nutrition through proper diet, and began a Patterning, Reading and Physical Program.  To develop her mobility, parents used the Inclined Floor to help her to start crawling.

The Inclined Floor helped Kira begin the process of moving forward

After 6 weeks of using the Inclined Floor, a program taught in the course, Kira began to consistently get on her hands and knees and learned how to creep.  She built up to 800 meters of creeping a day and after one year of program, Kira learned how to walk independently.

Cerebral Palsy Success Story

Now there is nothing stopping Kira from doing what she wants to do

Since parents began the program with Kira, she has earned her Reading Victory, Understanding Victory, Creeping and Walking Victories.  Her parents report she understands at a level higher than other children her age.  She is able to walk outside on many different surfaces, and now has many words of speech to communicate what she needs or wants.

We congratulate Kira and her parents on all of their past and future victories!

About Us

The Institutes For the Achievement of Human Potential teaches parents of brain–injured children how to put their child on a pathway to wellness.

Our deep appreciation of how a child grows and develops from conception onward sets the standards and goals for all our children. Our goal is to enable each parent and every family by teaching mothers and fathers what matters most for their children so that they can become the very best they can be.

The pathway to wellness for a brain-injured child is accomplished through a careful home program of appropriate and effective stimulation and opportunity aimed at treating the central nervous system, not the symptoms. When parents understand how the brain grows and how to enhance that growth they can achieve extraordinary results usually without the use of medications or surgery.

We are a not-for-profit, non-denominational, international organization, headquartered in Philadelphia. We have been engaged in vigorous research and discovery for the best methods to help our children achieve their potential for more than 60 years. Thousands of parents have come to The Institutes from 100 nations and learned how to help their child. Hundreds of thousands of parents have read our books and used our materials to help their children.

Our parents have proven beyond question that children who have the opportunity to pursue an intensive program at home can achieve substantial, and often life-changing, results.

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