Dx Epilepsy and Developmental Delay: Anwar Success Story UPDATED
The Grateful Parents of Anwar Tell His Story
When Anwar was born we knew almost immediately something was different. At first, it was just a few small difficulties and a feeling that kept growing with each passing day. Then months passed and milestones were being missed and the signs just kept piling up. It couldn’t be ignored anymore, even with the doctors telling us there was nothing to be worried about we knew deep down that there was.
“We searched for answers for our baby”
From that point forward we started to look for answers, we went to more than six pediatricians until finally one acknowledged our concerns and pointed us in the direction of a specialist. That’s when we received Anwar’s first diagnosis, a moment we would never wish upon another parent. Anwar was diagnosed with epilepsy and overall developmental delay. That’s when our tornado started.
After that, we were thrown from specialist to specialist, from therapist to therapist, and medication to medication. Nothing seemed to help, most everything we were told to do was actually making Anwar worse. We went from a manageable 30 seizures a day to over 200 a day. Anwar was no longer sleeping for more than five minute intervals and was barely functioning at all! Our little tornado also had us wandering the world in search of better doctors and better answers, none of which we found.
“The course showed us we were treating symptoms not Anwar’s brain injury.”
Until by accident we stumbled into the doors of The Institutes. That’s when our tornado finally came to a screeching halt. Sitting right there in the auditorium at the What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child course we realized we found the answer we didn’t know we were looking for. That’s when we stopped and looked around and started to assess the damage.
The course showed us that we were simply treating symptoms and never really treating Anwar’s brain injury. The course gave us proof that our dreams for Anwar could come true, that we could heal him, and that he had so much potential and so much growth in his future. From the course we finally started to piece our lives back together – one piece at a time.
Looking back my heart breaks for the lost couple in that tornado, so lost, so confused, so over whelmed, and so in over their heads! When we walked into The Institutes Anwar was having 40 seizures a day, he was motionless, he could barely hold his head up at 18 months of age. We went into the course at what seemed like rock bottom. Anwar was hospitalized that same month because of his inability to handle the anticonvulsant medication he was taking.
Today: Crawling, creeping, reading and beginning to walk and write – not bad.
Anwar is now 3 years old and medication free. He has worked 10 hours a day, seven days a weeks, to achieve what he has achieved.
Anwar is now a blossoming toddler who is creeping 1,000 meters a day.
He is down to five seizures a day, he can say “Mama”, he can read, he can type out single words, and he is now walking independently underneath the overhead ladder.
Valentine’s Day Surprise
On Valentine’s Day, Anwar surprised his mother and father by walking away from his ladder and walking independently for the very first time.
Here you can see Anwar walking independently!
“We were very excited today. All our family were crying and jumping for joy!! Thanks to God, and The Institutes, of course!”
At four years of age, Anwar is reading library books, and has been in good health for a full year. His understanding is equal to his age level, and
he works hard every day to get better. He is saying more words, and he is very playful.
“The Program is worth every second and every ounce of energy ever put in.”
Looking back if someone had told us our son would be where he is now at that What to Do About Your Brain-injured Child course we would be in tears of disbelief but yet here we are.
If we were to give advice to parents who are on The Institutes program we would tell them to be patient and stay strong. This is not an easy program in anyway, it takes great determination and persistence, but this program is the best thing that has happened to us. It is hard work that is worth every second and every ounce of energy ever put in. It’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives, and we have become stronger and better parents because of it.