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What To Do About Your Brain Injured Child

Enroll Your Child On The Course

“I am writing to give you a glimpse of what is possible. I want parents to understand that labels like autism, epilepsy, ADHD, learning problems, reading problems, dyslexia, developmental delay, cerebral palsy, all mean one simple thing. The brain isn’t functioning as it should.”

“These labels all point to symptoms that indicate that the brain is disorganized in some way. Neurological organization is possible, which means that the symptoms would go away. The labels would no longer apply.”

“That is what happened with my daughter. She once had profound “learning disabilities” and she is now making excellent grades at the community college, preparing for business school. She once had regular seizures, despite the numerous medications she took. She is now free of medications and seizures. She once had motor delays and was extremely uncoordinated. She became a triathlete and a gymnast.”

“It is possible. And, as much as I love her, it isn’t because she is special. It is because she has had a program of neurological organization that allowed her to outgrow her brain injury.”
Haylies's Mother

The Institutes have been featured throughout the years on most major media outlets

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